• I don't know about her. However when I want a break to think about things I really do want a break to think about things and to consider my next move. That has always had positive results for me. NO this does not mean I continued down the road I was going - it means that having the time to think and take a breather allowed me to weight my own part in the relationship and consider if it was a healthy one or not. Now that I have been married for a long time - I still want to take a break now and then. We often do take separate vacations (No not extra marital affairs) we literally go to different places and pretend to be single - meaning we do things alone, pursue our individual muse. We (at least I) consider the marriage, where it is, where it is going and I consider my feelings in it all. Thus far I have not decided to extend the vacation. People DO need time to think relationships are serious life effecting situations and if we DO NOT get the time to consider them then we do build up resentments and other not so nice 'garbage' that have negative impacts on relationships. When people do break up over a 'pause' of relationship it is because one does not accept that pause and gets all bent out of shape over it - thinking weird thought and 'abusing' the other for wanting that time away, or punishes them when they return with things like 'You really don't love me because you left.' Those have negative impacts on relationships and those - not the break - is what causes the break-up. And yes some people do find that a permanent separation is the right thing to do. Usually by that time enough mistakes have already been made. What she is thinking or planing or feels she obviously does not know - so she most likely DOES need the 4 days. Its only 4 days, not like she asked for 4 years. Be patient, let go and let god. If the relationship is meant to go on it will, if not it will end eventually - if not now, then later.
  • sorry i can not predict your future. but if she wasts a few days break this may be the UP you guys need she needs to evaluate her feelings and the relationship and at least she is trying to help the situation move forward, she may realize how wrong you are for eachother but she also may realize how RIGHT you are for eachother. when she comes back theres a very good chance your relationship will be a lot stronger and you will appreceate each other better
  • Thanx Athrael for the answer, It meant much to me. I think I will just wait and see what happens :)
  • Thanx Tigger :) Is it normal when girls needs a break the act really numb and "cold" but are in very happy mood with family-members and they're girlfriends on the phone?
  • I tink it's haven't reach the "puppet"-level. It's more like if someone needs to go to the toilet and ok, fine.... but if he doesn't show up in one hour than you start to worry :)
  • I'd give her the 3 or 4 days. Let her have her time. If she decides she doesn't want to continue, so be it. A relationship in which only 1 person wants to continue is very unhealthy for both people. You'd ultimately be happier to have put an end to it. Maybe you've been smothering her and she's not liking it. Give her the space she needs.
  • Maybe she just needs some time to clear her head and think carefully about her future. Sometimes that can be a good thing ~ at least for her. I can't say if it will be a good thing for you, but in any case, I hope things work out for you :)
  • I can't predict your future with her. But you can at least just be ready of what her decisions may be. And, I strongly disagree with feelings can be figure out with the "3-4" days break, it's not easy to know your feelings unless your with or without the person.
  • Maybe she's seeing someone else... ^_^; The 3-4 day period is for the sex.
  • Here you go:
  • I wouldn't wait around until someone decides whether or not I'm "worthy" enough to be with.I would tell her goodbye.
  • That to me sounds like she has a guy she wants to go on a date with to see if she is interested in him or not and doesn't want to feel like she is cheating. I personally wouldn't want her back if she clearly isn't thinking the way you are about your relationship. Good luck.
  • Breaks are always a sign that things are nearing the end or that they should be.
  • If she needs a break give her one. If she decides she doesn't want to be with you, it's a blessing. It's much better leaving someone than being in a relationship where one doesn't love the other the way you want them too. It really makes both miserable.
  • My first thought is that 3 or 4 days may not be enough time to decide what her feelings are. How did she come up with that time frame? If you care about her, give her the time she needs to think, but be prepared for it to go either way when she tells you she's made a decision. Quite possibly, she'll come back after 3-4 days and tell you that she needs more time...Good luck!
  • 3-4 days isn't enough time to get used to being alone. But, maybe this is her way of easing you into the idea of breaking up. *shrug* give her her space, at this point, if you cling on, she'll just want to leave that much more.
  • i did the same thing with my bf. I needed a day off because my feelings started to change but half way through the day i couldnt take it and i called him and told him how much i needed him. But sometimes a girl will feel smothered and need some space and some girls just lose interest. I wish the best to you.
  • Does not sound good..break are usually away of saying i want time to get used to being without you.
  • Mite be its just becoz she is too much wid u.. all the time u remain with her... Give her sometime to know her priorities.. give her some time to miss u ..
  • Give her some time to miss u as a couple of lovers brk up for some days they understand how much they love each other truly when they are alone they undeerstand tht they cant live without each other *hugs*
  • You are History! Move on....SHE HAS!
  • This usually means she wants to see if something is going to happen with someone else. If it doesn't, she has you to come back to. Either way, she's looking for greener pastures -- move on. (Aside) Even the Urban Dictionary gets this one right. 1. Take a break This relationship is over. I will tell you "let's take a break" because it seems like there is a chance that everything will work out, but I don't want to be with you, so that won't happen. This is often used in conjunction with several lies to make the other person "feel better" about the situation. "Maybe we should just take a break" "Ummm, okay..." "Don't worry, I'm sure everything will be fine, I just need some space and time to figure things out" "Are you dumping me?" "No way, you're my girl!" (Lie) "Promise?" "Of course..." (Lie)
  • About 4 years ago my partner said he needed time to "think". He wanted 2 weeks. I had no choice but to say ok. He came running back with applogies gallore within 1.5 - 2 days. Sometimes people need to step away from the things that are most important to them to realise their true value. Give your girlfriend the space she needs, and if its meant to be she will return. Good luck,
  • your question doesnt make sense... think about it... she says she wants 4 days to assess her feelings on the relationship. Its going to go one of two ways: 1. she wants to break up 2. or stay together. so, i cannot tell you if a 4 day break will make it better or worse for you... it will be one or the other depending on HER feelings about the relationship. if she decides to break up, then it was not meant to be and you will find someone who doesnt want to break away from you.
  • There are TWO ways to look at this: 1. "Absence makes the heart grow stronger" OR 2. "Out of sight. . . . .out of mind" Depends on the "strength" of your relationship! You'll find out soon enough!
  • It sounds to me like a 3 or 4 day break is an excuse to go out with someone else. I had a boyfriend who would break up with me every time he found someone interesting. He'd get what he wanted and then beg me back. My advice to you is...Give her more than 3 or 4 days. You may love her, but if she wants a break, there's something up she's not telling you about. Someone who is in love doesn't need a "break". Move On!
  • I think she's letting you down slowly, with the 3-4 days to figure things out. She's figured them out and is leaving you. But rather than just walk, she trying to let you down slowly.
  • This rarely helps.
  • I tried that when I was younger (early 20's) with my bf and sent him out of town for a weekend so I could go out with a new interest and break away from my bf kinda slowly. It's probably not good. If you are older, living together and have been fighting it might just mean you need to get out of the house a bit and give her some space.

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