• No, I don't hate him, but thoughts of him don't exactly "warm the cockles of my heart" either.
  • Hate him, no. Dislike him, yes. Why? Because he had the gall to marry my cousin while we were still engaged and didn't bother to tell me he was marrying her until after it was over.
  • G'day koolxxx, Thank you for your question. No. I don't think it is worthwhile hating them unless they were really awful and none have been, Regards
  • I don't hate any of my ex, It's hard at the beginning when you just brake up, but later, I just don't care really so everything is fine by me.
  • Nah, what would be the point of that?
  • my ex is a cocky idiot. im not being funny or anything, he just is. all the cares about is himelf. now he calls me a slag, and asks me to call him a twat. his mind is bloody twisted.
  • No. I still love her.
  • Nope, no hate. Some of them I dislike somewhat and feel that they're not really great people, and some I think are wonderful people that just didn't happen to have certain goals in common with me.
  • yes he left with my eldest sons 18yr old girlfriend 6 days ago we'd been together 6 years and have a 6yr old son together
  • He isn't worth hating.
  • No, we're actually still friends.
  • I don't hate either of them.
  • never in a million years , he doesnt deserve to be hated for being just plain old stupid.
  • I used to hate mine. I wanted to run him over. I did everything I could to stop hating him but nothing worked. It's been nearly a year now and I barely even think of him. I guess it just took time.
  • Kinda he had his new girlfriend yell at me for saying hi to him when I walked by him
  • Yes. I can't stand members of the male species who leave their girlfriends alone pregnant.
  • No, not worth the energy. He hates me, I was told, I have no idea why.
  • ooo yea. i hate all of them. well, thats kinda a strong work. i hate most of them, and STRONGLY dislike the rest. all my ex boyfriends were liars. and i HATE liars. but i dont spend any of my time dwelling on it or thinking of them. except now...dammit....
  • nope, i don't hate him. he taught me a lot about myself and how i handle different things, although they were painful lessons
  • Hate means you still have feelings for the person. As is said, there's a thin line between love and hate. I no longer have any feelings for anyone I was involved with . . . other than possibly the feelings I had for my ex who died 4 years ago. But we'd been divorced over 40 years.
  • uhm well i guess i do. I should be, he really treated me bad at times. However he also showed me the best times i have ever had in my life. I Do not hate the guy, i feel like i want revenge on him for taking so much from me, really i just wish i was paid back what he owes me. I wish it could just be fair and if it was i would feel neutral towards him. He is sitting in a jail cell right now, i really wonder if he thinks of me. Jail is extreme and he does deserve to be there for sure, but at the same time he does get some sympathy from me.
  • No I wish her the best, but I hope, for her and her new s/o's sake, that she's learned from her mistakes.
  • Yes, I hate him. He ALWAYS pressured me into having sex, he'd 'scare' me into staying with him(long story)...I was leaving town one weekend, and I found out he got a date for that weekend while I was gone. When I confronted him about the cheating-to-be, he said he didn't know what I was talking about. I broke up with him. Next day, he's got a new boyfriend. Our relationship held little value for him.
  • i don't hate my ex. but when i look back i did have two very abusive boyfriends and i pretty much hate them because they knew what they were doing. it was calculated and i was naive and very young... hate eats you up more than anything so it's best to try and let it go as much as you can as its self destructive and the people who hurt you don't deserve a second thought. they're lowlife.
  • The last person I "seriously" dated was a cheating whore, so I loathe her. The last couple people I pretended relationships with were good ladies, just not compatible. So my legit ex, is a scumbag. Thats why I hate her. She practically ruined me.
  • i wish. . i cant get her out of my mind. . i still love her. . but, she wants nothing to do with me. just the other day i SMS's her saying that i got a Promotion @ work. and she replied "Dont Care!!" :(
  • With a burning passion. He is evil, and I have a long list of reasons why.
  • I hate my current boyfriend...LOL! He knows how to get under my skin...and I want to punch him in the face. But I love him too.
  • No, because hate is just too much energy to spend on an :)
  • not really all of my break-ups were mutual and i'm friends with most of my ex's still lol
  • I can't fully say I hate him, but I can say he isnt my favorite ex. Personally, I think he is a playaaaa. and he has every girl wrapped around his finger. He said I was his bestfriend, but then he started hanging out with a new girl and he was all like. yeah she is replacing you and she is my new bestfriend. He seriously changes his mind like a girl changes her clothes. and one time when me and him liked eachother, he wanted me to come over and hang out with him. so I did. and then his mom came and picked him up (cause we were walking around) told him to get in the car cause they had to go somewhere. So he did. and he just drove away. Like. Seriously. Who would do that? and we just got into this fight tonight. and now he is all mad at me cause he keeps saying i make all this stuff up when other people say it and everything. so i told him off XD
  • life is not worthy to spend it on hating people actually i wish for her the best future with more compatible person
  • I cant says that I hate any of my exs, they are all exs for a reason so I wasted enough time trying to love them.
  • I hate one of first 1...coz hes the biggest dick faced, coke sniffing, arsehole in the world!!! Just being honest. And I actually quite like anuva 1 but just as mates coz I didnt reli like him enough in the relationship to care tht we broke up.
  • i don't hate his but dislike him so much. made me feel bad about myself for moving on after he broke up with me. little did i know he'd been nailing my so called friend the whole time.
  • No we get on very well.
  • Not the most recent one. I love him with all my heart and hope that he wakes up and starts living again. Most of the others I don't hate, it just didn't work out for various reasons. Now my first husband, I reserve the most pure kind of hate for hi, because he molested my kids and got them taken away from me because of that and his lies and manipulation. I go and view his mugshot on the jaol website to make me feel a bit better about how miserable he is now. ( I know that is pathetic, and he shouldn't be worth any of my time, but it's the truth.)
  • i dont have one, so no..
  • Hate is such a stong word. and life is WAY to short to be wasting your time "hating" someone. my exhusband is a very bad man. he has taken off with my kids twice now, he has all but ruined my life. but i keep my head up and keep trying to make my and my kids life better. I know that some day karma will bite him in the a** then Ill sit back and laugh. So see even with all of this I dont hate him, just pitty him.
  • not, any more i got over it. he was an ass used my money for drugs behind my back. but that was the past.
  • no we are still very good friends - hes far too kind for me to hate
  • I think hate is such a strong word that's used easily theses days.Don't get me wrong i'm not against people saying it! personally if i did ever find myself saying i hate someone that someone must have really upset me in a big way.I am very angry with the way one of my ex's treat me.i sometimes wish i could hate him but deep inside i couldn't.
  • Yes, she tried to hit me with a clock when I told her I was gay.
  • Me and my recent ex are still practically best friends
  • I'm starting to now that I found out she was with someone else throughout the entire relationship and acted as if it were my fault for not being open to such.
  • I think a few of them hate me, sadly. Oh well, that's life.
  • I could Never hate him....
  • Although forgiveness is an important step in getting past the pain of being cheated on twice (both times with best friends), i do understand some of the feelings i harbor may never go away, and mess up my trust issues with other people. (these atmosphere songs represents how I feel or felt about her until i met my new girl) In the first song imagine that "bird" is my ex. she thinks she is more important than the rest of humanity, that she is above the rest (hence, bird). and I felt like bringing her down from her imaginary vanity. The second song helped me get over her and realize we all go through this at some point. Now im in a new relationship and so much happier than I ever was with the other one.
  • hmmm i wouldnt say that i hate him, but i definitly don't like him. he broke up with me and kicked me out for no reason then would not talk to me so i could get my stuff back....grrrr
  • Nope, my ex and I are still pretty good friends actually.
  • meh, i don't care anymore
  • I haven't had an "ex" in over 20 years. I barely remember what she looked like. I certaily don't hate her. Actually, I didn't even hate her back then, we just needed different things.
  • Yes I do and I always will. There's nothing that will change it. I'd probably spit in her face on her death bed. In any case, I got other things to consume me other than those kinds of thoughts. Nevermind the reason by the why.
  • not anymore i got over it, i'm not with them any more so it doesn't matter.
  • Yep... she's a dirt c*nt and the world would be a better place without her.
  • Um not really.. Yes the break up did hurt, but im more thankful for the experience than the drama. I learned alot especially with my fist girl friend and you can tak that knowledege and know how to deal with situations a bit more efficiently with your next gf.
  • Excellent question!!! No, I don't hate my ex... I used to, but it's not worth the energy, and the pain to hate him... I don't respect him, but that's about it for me... He made some choices that really hurt me, but I'm not going to hate him... I just don't want anything more to do with him. I found someone who truly respects and cares for me. I'm happy with my wolf, and I'm going to leave it at that!
  • Strangely enough I don't! Even though after a year of going out, and dumping me with no explanation at all and blanking me completely, I realise after seeing your question, I don't! Weird eh?
  • Well i dont hate her but just the things she has done.3 or more times that i can think if she started talking to other poeple online and eventually met them while we were together.You can only handle so many lies and excuses and back in april we broke up cause she wanted to be single cause she has had boyfriends since she was 16.Well took her not even a month to find someone else and she dropped me off the face of earth and she found out how much of a good guy i really was.So she recently has started calling me again saying she misses me and all that bs and wants to keep me arouond till she finds someone else again..I Wont let it happen and i am letting her go completely now cause she has been toying with my head for years.So i guess all i can say is i hate her for taggin me along but i am not doing it anymore.
  • No. I don't hate her or dislike her.
  • I hate my ex due to him having sex with our mutual friend's if they wouldn't tell me...He couldn't even give me the dignity to do it else where instead he screwed her in her house, had my friend's see his car parked there, OH and that bitch had the nerve to come over and look me in the eye and send me emails of what happened between them....then he wanted me to forgive him! That man had balls, and if it weren't for my friends holding me back....I would've had those same balls in my hands
  • Hate is a strong word but I really really really don't like him. I thought we were on good terms but didn't talk much. Well, apparently I was wrong when I found out about the way he was treating me/talking about me behind my back.. to my best friend. As if she wouldn't tell me?! When I asked him about it he was so unbelievably childish about the whole thing... @@
  • Oh BOY I hate her...I hope she loses her job, fails her schooling, gets divorced, gets disowned by her family, etc. etc.
  • I hate him because he keeps going out with women that he really hates, and who I also really hate. I also hate him because He broke up with my 1 week and 1 day later, and made a computer graphic with us two on it saying "forever".
  • no, hate is not my style
  • I wouldn't say hate is the word.My mind was never on hating him,Because deep down inside i still had a tiny bit of feelings for him.But i could tell you what the word is,It was more of revenge i wanted to get back at him for what he did to me but not in a bad way.I wanted him to see that it was really his lost.And that i am the bigger person and he never deserved me in the first place.I would dream of him seeing me and seeing how happy i was without him.I wanted him to realize his wrong that's all.Other than that hating him would only be taking up to much of my precious time and energy.He is a waste of thought.And thinking of him brings back sorrow.,and i dont want to feel that.
  • i hate my exboyfriend because he wouldnt hang out with me because he didnt want to get made fun of for dating me
  • ugh I don't hate him as much as I wish I could..........Long story
  • Me and my ex are actually great friends, even though breaking up devastated me at the time. I got over the hurt and it looks like she did as well.
  • I DID. so the reason i hated him was because about 3 weeks after we broke up we were mending our relationship...slowly becoming more romantic... it was his birthday, me and 2 of my bffs went...he told me he wanted me to stay the night...and talking a whole bunch of gibberish nonsense about how much he loved me...and then because i was the only sober one i drove some of his drunk friends home...and was on my way back to spend the night with him....not to have sex, but to be together type thing...and then while i was gone..... he had sex with my best friend that night...OMGOSH!!! Now i don't hate him, but I don't look at him the same way either...and we are just friends...but there is a line drawn that he knows he cannot cross and it is seriously hard to try to be different people with each other...but you get through just have to realize some guys make better friends than boyfriends.
  • I hate my ex cuz he was older and he had lots of money and I later found out that he was getting it illegally,he had money and barely help with anything, he was a whore of all whores never spent time with me, he wasn't even all that good looking,than what tops it off he became abusive, attacking me leaving me with a busted lip and call me all kinds of names and turn around and wanted me to apologize for upsetting him, he was the worse boyfiend no better the worse person that I ever met, I regret ever knowing him, and if his ass was on fire i wouldn't piss on him to put it out, i would not spend 1 penny to save his stinkin undeserving life. I HATE HIM!!!!! In fact if there's a word stronger than hate than thats how I feel about him.
  • Yes!!! Because we were together for 3 years and he never did committ, we broke up and four months later I found out he was engaged. Total blow to my self esteem to say the least. I'm good looking, smart, nice, have an education, so I just couldn't figure it out. Oh well.
  • I don't hate him but I hate what he did to me!!!
  • i should hate my ex. he broke me. broke my heart, my spirit, my self esteem, hope and trust in the male species.
  • yeah.! i totally hate him cuz he is a jackass... and when i met him he was awesome but after dating him for a while he become a nightmare.... he was so jealous that he doesnt even want me to say "hello" to my friends...... but the worst thing was after the first and only time we had sex .. he finish and he just get up the bed and start talking with a GIRL!! with his cellphone and i get so confused and 2 weeks after he dump me cuz he thought i was not faithfull and i really was. but i move on and now i'm enjoying my life. but everytime i see him it all come back and i get angry :S but ahhh! f*ck him! hahahhaha bye
  • You should see my questions. Yeah, my ex was a...
  • Yes. She lied.
  • no... they do not exist. if I had an ex I would not hate them, not by my deffinition. unless someone is currently harmful to me or my interest, they never recieve worse than apathy from me.
  • No, why waste your mental activities on such things?
  • Nah, he's alright.
  • yeah, sadly she cheated on me with 2 of my friends every thing was fine until one night when both of them were over at her house and i was in long beach helpless too what they were doing she was the one who ended the relation, when she was high with both of them when a typo that i sent her turned into disaster fuck that bitch
  • I cant hate him, he hurt me bad, yet when i see him i melt and he looks sad to breaks my heart. I hope to get to the hate stage at one point
  • No, I'm just still upset who she left me for, but who knows if they don't work out we might get back together or something. Who knows?
  • I love her and hate her. Basically I want her life to be completely miserable without me, yet I also would do anything to have her back. In the end, all this shows me is that my mind makes absolutely no sense (I hate her because sense cheating on me, and dumping me she goes out of her way to leave facebook messages showing how great her life is after 3.5 years with me)
  • yes for the reason that are we broke up two days she was going out with my friend and a week later was sleeping with my friend
  • Yes he was cruel and abusive...glad I got outta there! Phew
  • She was a lying whore.
  • no. i just wouldn't mind it if he got run over by a Mack truck. (he lied, manipulated, cheated, stole... need i go on?)
  • I did have several dreams/fantasies about beating the "you know what" right out of him : ) I hate the word HATE, so lets just call it... extreme dislike.
  • 2bh i hate 99.99% of my x's. for some reason i seem to pick the cheating, abusive, alcoholic and lieing bf's. my current ones neither of those tho.
  • At one point I did. He wasn't an honorable man and he treated me badly. Now he is of no's called apathy.
  • Ex-Husband #2 ---If i EVER saw him I would call 5-0 so fast and have his ass locked up. After the last night I had to suffer with him I told him that if he even had a thought to sleep in my house again, he would would not wake up. I never saw him again. He knew I meant it.
  • I don't hate either one of them. What good would that do?
  • pretty much. he broke up with me for someone else
  • yes.. abuser
  • Nope and I still see and talk to them.
  • no, i still think they are good friends to me
  • yepp definitely. he was a cheating paedo. well he never cheated but he just wasnt a very nice person id love to watch him rot in hell.

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