• Not unless you are allergic to milk. drinking anything, in moderation, is permissible. the same applies to milk as alcohol. too much of anything is not good for the human body. GOT MILK??
  • Milk isn't bad for your health. But you should drink it as much as possible.
  • Is Milk Healthy? It depends on who you ask. There are some rather feisty politically active milk haters out there. For a balanced view, let Harvard's School of Health give you a few tips at this link.
  • Well, that is a very interesting question. Read this answer when you have time as it will be long. Most people are seriously confused about milk and there is a progression of enlightenment that I would like to review. Most consumers believe it is healthy. There is no way one can comment if this belief is true or false until you probe more. Nearly all commercial pasteurized dairy (what most people refer to) is very unhealthy and should clearly be avoided. Others believe if their milk is organic all problems are solved as it is the hormones and antibiotics that are the problem. Wrong again. Pasteurization is the worst thing you can do to milk and organic pasteurized milk is just as bad as non-organic milk. When one reaches raw milk you truly have a healthy product but even there one can have different grades. Better yet would be from cows that were nearly exclusively grass-fed. Organic certification is not typically necessary in these instances as most farmers producing this type of milk are familiar with health principles and do not require an expensive certification process to produce good milk. Organic certification with milk (and many other products) really does not provide the level of quality that you think it does because of the tricks and perversions that big industry is able to get away with. Producers like Richard Hebron lease a portion of their cows to consumers as a way to get around state laws. But Hebron was arrested by Michigan authorities last year, in a deliberate effort, some speculate, to dry up raw milk supplies. Nobody can deny raw milk consumption is growing in America, as it is one of the healthiest foods anyone could consume. It's less allergenic, it has more nutrients, it tastes better, and it is not associated with any of the health problems surrounding pasteurized milk such as rheumatoid arthritis, skin rashes, diarrhea and cramps. Even people who have been allergic to pasteurized milk for many years can typically tolerate and even thrive on raw milk. It Has More Nutrients Raw milk is an outstanding source of nutrients including beneficial bacteria such as lactobacillus acidolphilus, vitamins and enzmes, and it is, in my estimation, the finest source of calcium available. The pasteurization process, which entails heating the milk to a temperature of 145 degrees to 150 degrees F and keeping it there for at least half an hour and then reducing the temperature to not more than 55 degrees F, completely changes the structure of the milk proteins (denaturization) into something far less than healthy. While the process certainly destroys germs and bad bacteria, it also destroys the milkë­© beneficial bacteria along with many of its nutritious components. Pasteurizing milk destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamin, denatures fragile milk proteins, destroys vitamin B12, and vitamin B6, kills beneficial bacteria and promotes pathogens. You may notice that raw milk left out will sour naturally but pasteurized milk will rot. This is because the beneficial bacteria in the raw milk helps to keep putrefactive bacteria under control. Pasteurized milk, however, does not have any of the beneficial bacteria left to keep it from rotting. Then, of course there is the issue of the antibiotics, pesticides and growth hormones and the fact that nearly all commercial dairy cows are raised on grains, not grass, like they were designed to. This will change the composition of the fats in the milk, especially the CLA content. People Feel the Health Benefits Pasteurized cow's milk is the number one allergic food in this country. It has been associated with a number of symptoms and illnesses including: Diarrhea Cramps Bloating Gas Gastrointestinal bleeding Iron-deficiency anemia Skin rashes Allergies Colic in infants Osteoporosis Increased tooth decay Arthritis Increased tooth decay Growth problems in children Heart disease Cancer Atherosclerosis Acne Recurrent ear infections in children Type 1 diabetes Rheumatoid arthritis Infertility Leukemia Autism Raw milk, on the other hand, is not associated with any of these problems, and even people who have been allergic to pasteurized milk for many years can typically tolerate and even thrive on raw milk. Raw milk is truly one of the most profoundly healthy foods you can consume, and youë­ l feel the difference once you start to drink it. It Tastes Better As with any food, fresher is always better and this applies to milk as well. Fresh raw milk is creamier and better tasting than pasteurized milk that has a shelf-life of several weeks. Ultra-high-temperature milk can be stored without refrigeration for about six months. Even people who have never liked the taste of milk find that raw milk has a soothing, pleasant taste that they canë­Βͺ resist. Obtaining raw milk can be a challenge but it is well worth the effort to seek out. I would suggest contacting a dairy farmer and asking him or her to buy the raw milk directly. It is technically illegal to sell in many states but many people tell them they are using the milk for their pets. Alternatively, another strategy that has stood nearly every legal test is the cow-share program. One merely purchases a small ownership of a cow for $10 or $20 and then the farmer is able to sell you the milk from the cow as you are part owner and it is perfectly legal to drink raw milk from your own cow. Other Factors Regarding Milk Milk and refined sugar make two of the largest contributions to food induced ill health in our country. That may seem like an overly harsh statement, but when one examines the evidence, this is a reasonable conclusion. Ear specialists frequently insert tubes into the ear drums of infants to treat recurrent ear infections. It has replaced the previously popular tonsillectomy to become the number one surgery in the country. Unfortunately, most of these specialists don't realize that over 50% of these children will improve and have no further ear infections if they just stop drinking their milk. This is a real tragedy. Not only is the $3,000 spent on the surgery wasted, but there are some recent articles supporting the likelihood that most children who have this procedure will have long term hearing losses. There is also a problem with a protein enzyme called xanthine oxidase which is in cow's milk. Normally, proteins are broken down once you digest them. However, when milk is homogenized, small fat globules surround the xanthine oxidase and it is absorbed intact into your blood stream. There is some very compelling research demonstrating clear associations with this absorbed enzyme and increased risks of heart disease. Most people have been so conditioned to believe that the healthy growth of their children's bones is dependent upon receiving calcium from processed cow's milk that they view milk commercials as more of a public service announcement than an attempt by businessmen to sell a product.
  • we are the only adult mammal that still drinks milk. what do you think? you can get your calcium intake other ways
  • In moderation, like many other things, it's good for you. Obviously you shouldn't go drinking whole milk 20 times a day for the rest of your life and expect not to gain weight, but all in all, milk is healthy for you. All that calcium is never a bad thing.
  • I hope not because I crave it and drink it just like a baby. I don't know who to believe anymore. but I will take my chances and keep on drinking.
  • Actually - allergies from milk occur equally between pasteurized and unpasteurized (please don't let the Weston A Price foundation/Mercola brainwash you into thinking otherwise)... It is the protein Casein that people become allergic too - and I don't believe it multiplies as it is heated up (if anything, heating up milk will destroy the amino acids)... The person who claims that raw milk causes less allergies is horribly mistaken. Also, there are 59 hormones NATURALLY in milk - all intended for baby cows with natural growth hormones in it - like IGF-1, which exists naturally in milk. IGF-1 has been found to increase growth of cancer in human beings. It's important for baby cows to get this hormone because they need to grow quite a bit - but humans don't need that kind of growth hormone and it shouldn't be consumed in adulthood especially. Also - a cup of carrot juice has the same amount of absorbable calcium as a cup of milk - this is because milk is almost void of magnesium which helps us absorb calcium - without it, the calcium is simply pissed out in urine. Also - too much calcium that is not absorbed has been linked to prostate cancer, another thing to consider. Because milk is an acidic food, it actually doesn't help bone strength, if anything it causes bone weakness. What causes osteoporosis many times is eating too much meat/dairy/eggs and soft drinks - all of these things are highly acidic and for our bodies to neutralize our blood, we draw from our bones calcium or any caclium we eat doesn't even reach the bones if our bodies are too acidic.
  • I think the simple answer (as I have said before) is that once any mammal is weaned, it has no further need for milk
  • Oh, man, everything is bad for you these days. If you listen to the findings of every report that comes out, you would be in an oxygen chamber eating lint cause even the water is bad
  • No it is not, it is high in calcium and other nurtrients. If you dont like th etaste you can always flavour it.
  • I certainly hope not, due to the fact that I drink about 2 1/2 gallons a week. (2%)
  • Most of what I've read is that milk is a mixed bag, it has some good properties, and some bad ones. Good: Calcium, protein. Bad: Bovine hormones, fat/cholesterol, and it may lead to diabetes. A moderate amount of low/no fat milk (8oz/day) should not be a problem for anyone unless they're lactose intolerant. But you likely need more calcium than that, so be careful to ensure that you have other sources of calcium like broccoli, nuts, dark green vegetables like spinach, and tofu.
  • Well you will all know the truth about milk if you visit this site. It made a big impact in my life, since I dump milk I have been feeling better, my skin looks better too, I feel good inside and out.
  • It's true! Milk, or rather casein, causes the body to produce extra mucus as a reaction - I have not had a cold or flu for nearly 4 years since removing (almost) all dairy products from my diet. Cow's milk is basically a hormone cocktail intended for a growing calf not for humans, especially not adults! You can quite easily obtain the nutrients (minus the casein, fat and other nasties) from other sources in perfectly adequate levels. The idea that milk is essential for good health is simply a fairy tale.
  • Solely when received from your mother's lactating nipple, it will ensure health
  • Good question. Milk is sold by grade. Only Grade A milk is sold for drinking. Grade B is used for butter, cheese and other products because it is processed. All the standards are different for the various grades. This is important to remember because of what I'm going to tell you later. Raw milk was first pasteurized to kill certain bacteria. Vitamin D and preservatives are added to prolong shelf life. Raw milk is naturally sweet and more flavorful that pasteurized milk. Now some clarification. Milk that you buy in a store has antibiotics and growth hormones in it. true or false. False. People who have allergies to antibiotics would die or become ill if milk sold for drinking had antibiotics in it. As for the hormones in milk, sorry to disappoint you again, but none are added. The milk that has the nutrients for the new born calf is discarded for weeks. It is not mixed in with the milk that is sold. Grade A milk is tested continuously if a trace of anything resembling antibiotics is found, tons of milk will be destroyed. It is not wise to drink milk or eat dairy products when you have a cold, congestion or allergies. True or false? True. One of the ways to tell if you're running a fever is that milk will have a different taste to it. Milk is bad for your health. true or false. True if you have Crones disease, Celiacs disease or are lactose intolerant. (or some other medical condition). For the rest of us, clean raw milk in moderation, fresh cream on your organic, pesticide free strawberries or cereal is healthier than coffee, fast food and junk food. Again, it boils down to diet and exercise.
  • Well put. It seems that our children are reaching puberty years before their time. Is it the hormones? Are our children ingesting the same steroids that we give our cows? If we are getting their calcium and protein, are we also getting all of their hormones and chemicals as well?
  • We are the only species that drinks another species’ milk. Knowing that we get calcium from milk… where do the cows get their calcium to give to us? If the foods they eat contain all of their nutrients, why can’t we cut out the middle man?

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