• If you mean to ask why it is that Atheists know more about the Bible than Christians, I can offer an answer from an agnostic point of view. The reason that I am agnostic is because I am a mathematician, and a curious one at that. I always want to know the why behind things (and I annoyed a great deal many teachers asking that!). So, I study. I read, and deduce, and extrapolate. In order to do extrapolate successfully, one must have a substantially large body of knowledge. And it is that desire for knowledge that has led me to study religious texts (not just the Bible) from various schools of thought. PS: If you're curious about why being a mathematician drove me to agnosticism, then study Socrates- "the only thing we can truly be sure of is that we are unsure of anything."
  • Maybe it is enlightenment that turned them away.
  • I guess the more you get to know it, the less you believe it. It seems to make sense.
  • Simple -- becoming intimately acquainted with what the bible actually SAYS is the main reason why many atheists are atheists in the first place...
  • On the contrary I have heard of many atheists, who upon studying the bible, have become christians.
  • In many of those cases it is because either A) They read the Bible and BECAME Atheists B) They are Atheists but do not want to be, so they read into different religions (In this case Judaism and Christianity) in order to become better acquainted with them and try to 'find God', so to speak. Some Christians, on the other hand, feel so confident that they know what the Bible says that they never actually read it... Which is just stupid...
  • It's kind of a hobby of mine right now. My current read is Karen Armstrong's "The Bible", which I very highly recommend. Like many, I became an atheist when I dove into biblical scholarship in college. At the time I wanted to know more about my religion, and I ended up leaving it. I realized the the Bible was more of a socio-political document than a holy one, with some beautiful literary passages, and many centuries of reinterpretations and revisions to bring us to where we are now. I study it now as an important part of the history of the western world, and to understand how my culture got to where it is now. It's fascinating stuff! Some books on the subject that I recommend for anyone wanting to know more about the bible are: - "Who Wrote the Bible?" by Richard Friedman - "A History of God" by Karen Armstrong (anything by Karen Armstrong, a former catholic nun, is really great) - "The Book of J" by Harold Bloom - "The Gnostic Gospels" and "The Origin of Satan" by Elaine Pagels - "Born of a Woman" by John Shelby Spong (this Bishop is a great liberal Christian thinker, if you like that sort of thing) - "The Jefferson Bible" by Thomas Jefferson (yes, THAT Thomas Jefferson) - "The lost Gospel: the book of Q and Christian origins" by Burton Mack - "The Lost Christianities: The Battles for Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew" by Bart D. Ehrman - "Desire of the Everlasting Hills: the World before and after Jesus" by Thomas Cahill (more of a historical context kind of thing than biblical scholarship, but very interesting) I'm sure there's more I've forgotten, but those are the ones that come to mind. There's a LOT to read on the subject for those who are interested.
  • Many of us atheists are as well versed in the bible if not more than most believers. Those of us who are well versed in the bible are atheists because we have seen the evidence that it is all a hoax, and we are here to help you free your minds. We want you to enjoy life well, and not be psychologically chained down because your stupid pastors who claim to know the secrets of life, tell you how you have to live your life or else. They are blind, and the blind cannot lead the blind. You must think for your self and become strong. Reading biblical verses is what helped me free myself from that vile religious crap. We are here to help, at the same time we are tired of this religious pandemic on society. They are effecting not only their own lives in a negative way which is their right, but they are effecting the world around them too, and that is not acceptable.
  • because the bible draws them in. they inwardly want to be christians and be included with its many blessings. they just fight themselves. their rebellious spirits fight their own willing spirit so that in the end, they say they are atheists. when infact, just saying they are atheists means that God is somehow involved in their life. "the" in atheist is God. they would do better to use a completely different word that doesnt even have God associated with it. "a" and "the" are the two extremes. a means any, and the means specific. a apple and the apple. so it is like an athe ist is one who believes in nothing specific. which would be God. because the word god is not specific.
  • Obsessed? Waa haa...gotta love the way you project and lead to whatever answer you want. Does being that intellectually dishonest make you feel better?
  • Personally, so that in religious arguments I can use their own weapons to bash them over the head with.
  • Because they are intellectuals and they feel a need and a personal responsability to actually become educated about anything they take on. Especially if they are going to quote it. It is the correct way to be actually and spoken as a creationist myself, it is why I have more respect for them... than I do for certain types of un educated misinformed religious harpies that attack them. What I dissapprove of however are people from either side feeling that they have some right and responsability to convert one side to the ideologies of the other using force or insult. Neither side is correct in that effect. That is not fair. If God wants them, they'll come... "The rocks will cry out." Christians sometimes take the bible too literally and take a personal interest in saving everyone, no matter how they might object. I believe the theologians failed to mention respect in their doctrine concerning converts? Many many atrocities have been done over the years in both the name of religion... and in those who speak out against it.
  • First off, this is a major generalization and the word "obsess" is a poor choice; it gives a negative connotation to simple knowledge. Just had to say that. I'm an atheist and I am familiar with not only Christian teachings but also those of other religions for a very simple reason: You can't fully refute something you don't understand. If you're going to go around saying "God's not real" then you need to know something about God, or else you're just being misinformed and cantankerous. As for Christians who don't know the Bible, this is just silly. There's no reason people can't learn a bit about other religions either; it's not rocket science, it's not ridiculously complicated, and it really doesn't take much time to skim through Islam for Dummies. Familiarity with religion probably should not be reserved only for atheists, is what I'm getting at.
  • The Bible is a book from God about God. It was never intended to be disected and rationalized, but experienced. If you want to understand Christianity, you have to spend time with people who understand the truths the Bible contains and who experience it. I can tell you a lot about LSD, but I have never experienced a flashback so I can't tell you much about that experience.
  • Because they are Christian Atheists.
  • Most aren't.
  • Most Atheists are not obsessed about anything. They just reject the hypothesis that a god were necessary. They just cannot believe it. What eventually annoys them, is that the Bible pretends to know a lot of things about a god, which existence they reject. Most Christians would probably not believe everything in the Bible, and are not obsessed about all those things either.
  • If I want to have an informed debate or discussion on a subject I want to be prepared on the subject. I think the reason atheists know more about what the Bible actually says compared to most believers is because we tend to be be people who seek truthful answers instead of taking what someone else says at face value.
  • Because when questioned about their atheism they have to defend themselves effectively and intelligently. I've found that not many Christians haven't actually read the bible, much less live by it. I'm not an atheist, more of an agnost/universalist hybrid, but its really fun calling Christians out on their hypocrisy.
  • Generally speaking so they can argue the merits of the Bible when a Christian tries to force them into believing.
  • maybe athiests are obsessed with the bible because they think that God is inseparable from christianity? maybe they dont realize god isnt religion, but realize religion is the perversion of god? i dont know, personally ive experienced way to much to just believe in simple materialistic ideas and think there is no soul and no afterlife. considering we are just beginning to understand consciousness and there is a very good chance that it can separate from the body, and with my belief in a soul and an afterlife i have to ask why? what would it all be without god? Why are some people born with memories of waiting to be born on the planet? Why do some people have spontaneous out of body experiences? Why do people have near death experiences at a time that their clinically dead with a flat EEG? Why does that 10% or so of people that go into cardiac arrest say they have separated from their body and can describe the room and the doctors attempting resuscitation in EXACT detail? athiesm seems like a lazy explination for this world just as christianity does.
  • Simple.....Know thy enemy...Or bible thumpper
  • They are not only obsessed with the Bible. They are also obsessed with the Holy Qur'an judging by the amount of people (even on AB) that follow me around. Salaam
  • Hey, Just because you don't think the story is real, doesn't mean the story isn't good...But I agree some Ateists know more about the Bible than some Christians...and that knowledge of the contents in the Bible is one of the reasons I am an Atheist...
  • Really reading the bible with an open mind is one of the best ways of becoming an atheist. . Simple as that. +5
  • I have to admit ,I have asked myself the same.."because " i have found ,most know MORE than many Christians I know...i have to honestly say the only conclusion, is the same as with Moslems, here goes,"they aren't any more "obsessed " with knowing the Bible than the Quran Moslems, only "obsessed" with knowing the Bible so they can feel validated with knowledge to "disprove" the Bible." now ,i know i will get slammed, but I can only say ,this was a personal conclusion that I had come to,because for me ,it was the only reason that made sense ...if they don't believe why do they read it(bother) and see necessary to DOWN GOD and God's ...(i do warrant,there are Christians who do same to them,so can see some of "obsession). why do they throw the knowledge they have in GOD section and then have to add, "its all fantasy and made up"? insane...and then the Moslem do the same...totally trying to discredit it, is their "obsession" and purpose to claim theirs is right and the Bible is wrong!!! insane too... why do either care! i have not a care in the world about discrediting atheists or Moslems...BUT I will defend MY GOD and HIS WORD.... so, thats my figuring, and I am not saying of majority of atheists or Moslems.just the obsessed kind...and i do realize there are these of ALL BELIEFS, Christian,Moslem, Atheists, and even some Agnostics....:)
  • I prefer Maxim As for a book I could read Vonnegut before the bible as it is full of fantasy as well but have some humor and time travel,aliens and sex in a lot of them. Poo te weet
  • some of them want to do research to reaffirm their views or educate themselves and some of them just want ammo to throw at Christians.
  • Because I realized, just what in the hell I was actually 'believing' in without knowing it for myself. And yes it does help to be able to argue with a true believer with a whole helluva lot more ammo than they do. Ever hear of the Lost Books of the Bible? It's amazing how many biblical books got left on the cutting room floor.
  • Because it confirms what we already know.
  • It makes sense to learn both sides of the story, then make an educated decision on what you believe. It is good to learn about religion and good to learn about science. Would you rather atheists lashed out about your God in ignorance? Or would you rather an atheist be able to make a sensible, arguement on the matter?
  • Well, arguing against something is kind of silly unless you know a fair bit about it. I mean, look at some of the religious people who attempt to argue against evolution. They don't actually know what evolution is, and they end up looking stupid. And I think this isn't something to criticize atheists about. If Christians are the ones basing their entire lives on the bible, they should be ashamed that people who think it's rubbish know it better than they do.
  • Having been brought up in a Christian family and gone to Christian schools, I was familiar with the Bible. Then, when I realized that I didn't believe in it, I had to go back to analyse and justify my non-belief. To get to atheism I had positively to discard the Bible - and thereby learned much about it. In that process, its seems to me that many believers are remarkably selective and interpretative in their reading of the Bible: they get out of it what they want, not what is there.
  • Because in a debate, a lot of Christians tend to cherry pick particular pr specific verses which will support their own personal conclusions. Therefore, it often pays to know bible verses as well as, or better, than they do. Besides, how can you disagree with something if you don't completely understand it?
  • Because when it comes to discussions about religion, the bible is one of the first arguments thrown out there. There is no physical proof Jesus or any of the characters listed in the Bible ever existed, so the Bible is legally a piece of fiction and atheists use this to their advantage in heated debates. However, you also canno t prove that the characters in the Bible don't exist, and this creates an endless cycle of existence and non-existence.
  • I wouldn't buy a house without examining the foundations to make sure they're solid, so I chose to approach religion the same way. Perhaps this initial tendency toward skepticism coloured my conclusions, but I'd like to think I was open minded. I started sincerely trying to find a church that gave me the feeling of peace and certainty I'd heard about. The more I read and studied, the more I had to ask clarifying questions. The more questions I asked, the more I was either told not to question or given poor (sometimes obviously fabricated on the spot) answers. If the contradictions within the Bible or between the Bible and what my own senses told me could have been explained away I might still be a church goer, instead I was consistently told that those contradictions simply didn't exist. There's decent history and good moral teaching in the bible, but I simply cannot see it as a perfect document or Divinely inspired. Now I'm more agnostic than atheist, and still actively looking. I'm by no means anti-God, but at this point I am certainly anti-organized religion. My examination of the foundations hasn't really left me any other choice.
  • That's a generalization. I'm sure there are atheists out there that simply want nothing to do with religion period. On the other hand, many atheists may have come from very religious backgrounds or families, then decided to leave it all one day, thus explaining their religious knowledge. Being atheist is a big choice (at least for me it was). Going from Cathlicism to Atheism took alot of thought, guilt and doubt because I was basically leaving what I knew. I had to think about it for years before making my decision.

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