• Yes it is finally possible to export AOL favorites, though it is a bit annoying, because nothing will do it directly from AOL to Firefox (great browser by the way; IE is full of security holes and is just plain ugly). I have been looking for years and about 99% of what you find out there are only for exporting HTML files from IE. If you don't want to spend any money you could try It imported all of my favorites seamlessly. So far it is the only online bookmark site I've found that will import AOL, but I don't know if it's legit. (There are more managers you could try listed at There is also in case you have any favorites hanging around from AOL 5.0 or older. If you do, it requires three downloads (and Java runtime if you somehow don't have it) and some work with the Command Line. It tried it and it definitely doesn't work with 9.0; you'll just get the categories, no links (unless I messed it up). After you choose one of the above, you'll probably be wanting to import them into Firefox (or IE). Luckily, that's simple. I also suggest the Firefox plug-in FoxMarks ( or Online Bookmark Manager ( Both have similar functionality (you'll have to read up on them on your own) and sychronize with other computers. They also keep a database online with your links, so you could get rid of LinkAGoGo after upload, if you want/don't trust them. You may be wondering why I didn't just mention them in the first place. Well, I read that FoxMarks has to be downloaded first (I think it only uses current Firefox bookmarks) and the other one does not import from AOL. OK, now if you want something simpler and less time consuming it will cost you $25. FavoRipper at and ePreserver at I've seen these names mentioned a lot around. And even though I cannot guarantee that either of these programs will work, 20-something links were converted using their demos, so it seems promising. Well, that's it. I hope I've given you enough options. Good luck. Now I've got to go tackle my father's hard drive failure problem. Oh, and if you ever have the same happen to you (most likely will) and there are files you desperately need to get off of your HD, try SpinRite at It's $89 and comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. It has been around for 16 years and was featured on both Call for Help and Screen Savers (two wonderul, very helpful, computer shows on the former TechTV that were axed when G4 took over). The site has clips from those two shows and a lot of user feedback. SpinRite will save your files and there is even a level that tries to repair the disk. Sadly, I think ours is done for. The read/write head seems to be sticking. The notebook will only work well enough on its side, heats up to 140 degrees (even though it has been dusted) and needs to be bumped or reoriented every once in a while to get it working again. All of this happened out of the blue. Not a single warning, no noise, no strange errors. Nothing, then BANG, it's on life support. Sorry about the ranting, but I do think everyone should know about SpinRite. Don't forget about it. Saves a lot of money when you don't have to send your drive to those places that charge hundreds of dollars. ---------OK, it's a couple of hours later now and I've just imported links into Firefox from It worked great and it was very fast seeing as I have hundreds, if not thousands of links. NOTE: For some reason clicking File>Import will only give the option of importing from IE. Go with Bookmarks>Manage Bookmarks then File>Import. ---------One more thing I forgot to mention...If you don't know how to save your favorites in AOL 9.0 - Click Favorites, then Manage, and then Save My Favorite Places as a Favorites File on My Computer (or first Append, if you have favorites from a previous version that you never merged with your current list). Name it whatever you want (ex. Favorites June 06.pfc) and put it where you will remember. Make sure it's saved as .pfc, nothing else will work.
  • Sorry this took so long, but I haven't looked at my email since my last post. Hmmm...I don't know why, if you're using AOL (or IE, Firefox, Safari, Netscape, Opera and more), that this wouldn't work on a Mac. As long as a browser works with the OS no essential features, such as bookmark backup, should be missing unless your browser needs to be reinstalled or the site is having server problems. has directions for where your bookmark file should be saved under the heading "Bookmark File Conversions" on the right side of the front page. They also have directions for saving your bookmarks. If I remember correctly, AOL 9 (maybe 8 too) had the option to save to your computer or online. I would assume that you wouldn't have the save option if bookmarks were saved on their servers, because that could be done automatically every time you bookmarked a site or logged on. So, if this is the case you could try changing the service to save bookmarks locally, but I don't remember where that option is, because I haven't used AOL in more than two years. Once you've got your bookmarks saved go to the conversion page at This step could take a while depending upon how many bookmarks you have. Then import that file to your new browser, probably listed under File>Import or Bookmarks>Import. That's as far as I can go to help, since I haven't used a Mac since 8th grade graphic arts class in '93. So, I'm a little rusty in that area. If you're still stumped the LinkAGoGo people could probably clear things up. Note: LinkAGoGo has a bookmark limit (1000? 5000? I can't remember.), but you can upload everything. They want money if you go over, but you only need to do this if you plan on keeping your bookmarks online. Once you convert and import to your browser, you can delete everything at LinkAGoGo, but keep your account in case you ever need to do this again. This is how it went for me months ago. I cannot tell you if anything has changed.
  • I just did it this way.... Very easy and quick downloading anything except maybe aol explorer if you dont have it yet .... To turn your Favorite Places into browser bookmarks, run AOL Explorer, click the blue "Sign in" heading at its top-right corner, and log in with your AOL screen name. Then go to its Favorites menu and select "Import AOL Favorites . . . " You can keep AOL Explorer as your browser, or you can switch back to Internet Explorer. (In either program, your old Favorites appear under an "Imported from AOL" folder.) You can also copy these newly freed favorites to another browser; in Firefox, for example, select the Bookmarks menu's "Manage Bookmarks" command, then go to the Bookmark Manager window's File menu and choose "Import." If you use Mac OS X, you only need one program -- the free, blissfully simple AOL Service Assistant ( ), which will transfer your AOL e-mail, address book, favorites and calendar to Apple's Mail, Address Book, Safari and iCal programs.
  • Just found this site. Been looking for the answer to this problem for some time, after getting totaly fed up with AOL 9.0 and deciding to try something else. I have some observations/problems that i would like to point out an seek advice on. The two easiest options suggested above (linkagogo and AOL Explorer)looked the most promising for me and I decided to try them out. I sucessfully transfered my own favorites from AOL and into IE and Firefox - quite easy really with only one or two errors/ghost link. I got into difficulty when I tried doing the same with another set of favorites on another AOL screen name. They just would not transfer properly, with missing, duplicated or 'scrambled' foldersor links. It just did not seem to copy over as they were in AOL. I am guessing though that the reason why not all the folders transfered was that there are just too many favorite places for linkagogo to cope with. Is there anything I can do differently or is the only answer to 'prune' the favorite places, something I cannot do myself (not my favorite places). The other method of using AOLs 'new' IE based web browser (AOL Explorer) to copy favorites is a bit pointless really. Unless you use the bookmarks section of MY AOL on the AOL website or have you favorites already in IE then it will not work. There is no way to get Favorite Places from AOL 9.0 into even AOL Explorer as far as I can tell. If anyone can tell me different then please do. Any other suggestions/ways to extract Favorite Places from AOL 9.0 and put them into IE or firefox? Thanks
  • Ok linkagogo worked but how safe is it. They can see all the info we have like if you click on a group it opens my home page up.

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