• This is 2008- if someone is caught up about you dating someone different than your skin color it's time to move on. Seriously. Don't even pass go or collect $200. You should be proud of whom you choose, and if someone has a problem with it, it's THEIR problem, not yours.
  • theory, in an honest, open relationship, there's nothing you CAN'T bring up. As long as you do it in a nice way. Obviously, you should never use racial slurs, but that kinda goes no matter who you're dating. If the person you're with is really relaxed and doesn't mind jokes, that's cool, but don't use slurs when you're mad. Or you're done.
  • You have me stumped on this question, I really don't know if there is anything specific. It really depends on the two people involved. If you are a white person in a relationship with a black person or vice versa, you should ask the other person what subjects or topics upset them and take it from there.
  • omg! is that thing real?
  • They should not talk against interracial relationships, they were in one before and even if they were not.
  • if there were things I thought I shouldn't bring up, I wouldn't get into an interracial relationship to begin with. Any person I am with has to have very thick skin if I bring up ANYTHING because I tell it as I see it
  • I think that if your worried or afraid to bring things up or say things in a relationship..ANY relationship then you shouldn't be in that relationship in the first place
  • If you have a relationship, there's nothing you should not be able to bring up when you're alone. (If you're with their family, there may be some things, and you should be told before you spend time with them. By the same token, they should know their child/sibling would probably not pick someone who would speak derogatorily about their race, and be willing to answer questions posed as such.) The racial slurs thing already mentioned is EXTREMELY important. In a relationship, NO NAME CALLING! If you're not sure if it's a slur or not, 1) don't even think of using it; 2) ask your partner if and why it's a slur, then don't use it. (They should be willing to educate you if you wish to be.)
  • I would avoid talking about race issues, and if I was married interracially, I would never call her out of her name. I would never say "I love you, my white wife" or "white girls are better in bed".
  • "If we were in slavery time, you would not leave me."
  • If you are in a relationship, you should be able to talk about anything.
  • I think a couple should grow to the point where they can talk about anything, so my answer is "none"
  • Sit's back and watches how; anal retentive, cautious, avoiding, vague, fake and weird people can be when it comes to this subject...

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