• That's very true for me too. I've made a huge amount of friends that others would not give me the time of day.
  • Yes, but there's more important things in the world than 'life improvement' of the individual.
  • it has mainly opened doors and worlds for me.
  • agree with zack some what-i have met a lot of people i never would have otherwise especially people from different countries-it has make the world a lot smaller place--also met my better half on the net and that has been really good---just my thoughts-smile and enjoy the day
  • No. It has helped me improve things like by giving me a more resourceful access to knowledge and such things but it hasn't done really something regarding my life.
  • Oh yeah. It has helped me in research work for my thesis, in making my work finished in no time, in connecting with friends and very kind strangers from distant shores.
  • I don't know what I would do without. Perhaps it's not a good thing, but I rely on the internet for a lot of things now.
  • Yes it has helped to improve my life and education. One of the fist things I accomplished when I started to learn about the internet, was to learn how to code HTML. To me HTML seem like such a good and logical approach to representing information online, that I wanted to learn about it as much as I could. Of course that now almost everything is done with and editor that takes care of the vast majority of the coding, but I like to remember the good old days when HTML was such a new and fascinating thing.
  • Yes, it is very helpful to me.

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