when i made eagle scout-of course that was 40 years ago! lol
I have to think too far back for that one and I still can't remember. When I got married I guess, but that only lasted 7 months. At least my parents were proud of me for that long.
i think i always make my parents proud. it doesn't matter if i DO something spectacular or if it's just the way i've grown up to be a good person, i know they are proud of me!
I was their first son to graduate from college. Their other 3 sons were high school drop outs.
It's worrying me that I can't actually think of anything.......
I graduated from college.
I don't remember the last time they said they were proud of me, but I know they have been!
By following my heart and living out my dreams and passions and being the best in everything I can be. My parents are behind me in everything I do 100%.
When I won a big scholarship for the university I want to go to, and again when I became a finalist for an even bigger one. I'm still waiting on that one, but they'll probably have a fit of excitement if I get it. I doubt it though, because it's really, really competitive.
Actually I think they are always proud. I have great parents.
I honestly just think that my parents are always proud, as corny as that sounds... they are always blathering about me and my siblings to almost everyone that they meet. One thing that made my mother really proud was similar to that credit card commercial. I wore a nice suite and dressed up for Christmas. She was glowing with pride.
Today. I got a good slap on the back from my mom because I'd run 10 km. she got one in return after we took an evening run around the neighbourhood(she really wants to get in shape).
Ummm... I really am thinking hard, but nothing is coming to mind... Uh-oh...
when i was offered honors classes next semester.
I do not know...My mom would not tell me if she was proud of me..She has a pride issue..My Sperm Donor is just that(Never speaking to him) I beleive my mom is proud but, is scared to say..Even if they are not proud of me I AM.
My Dad has always said that I make him proud every day. :)
When I finished Basic Military Training for the Air Force. My mom and grandma on my mother's side were there at the graduation. I think that was...just short of two years ago.
10 minutes ago.. and nothing because i am always making them proud now that i dont live with them.
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