That depends on the accent. If it's a Scottish accent I will fall instantly in love. Any other accent is ok as long as it's not too strong. I would like to be able to understand him when he speaks.
It depends entirely apon the accent. I love the French accent, Southern Irish Some American , it is the person and the timbre of the voice that is important.
doesnt bother me at all, as long as i know what his saying..
depending on how thick it is, i might have a hard time understanding him.
i'm okay with it. i like all kinds of accents, some more than others... but in general hygiene is more important.
i think it depends on the individuals, i very much like the french accent as well as the Jamaican- American accent.. accents from up north in UK, such as Birmingham, Yorkshire does at times annoy me,i think if i like the person the main thing is i understand what he is sayin...
ahh its cool but i like my new jersey boy accent the best...
which accent do you have?
I absolutely love accents. Of course it can't be too strong or else words sound like gibberish.
Aussie guy: on phone sounds hot, OZ accent is the best.. French guy: certainly hot + gentle accent, ahh..most are handsome too hehe.. British guy: the accent sounds complicated to me, some love to curse (****ing bla...bla..bla..) american guy: no accent :( Arabic who speaks english: disaster sometimes (translation), but some are OK... thank you
I am a sucker for a guy with an accent! I adore them. Aussie accents as well as British ones are my favs. But i love all accents.
i feel i should listen more attentively.
Depends on where its from. Most times i dont like accents but i wont use it against a guy!
It really depends on the accent.
ALL accents are sexy. except for one the accent any man gets when he's plastered
Indifferent. Unless he's faking the accent. Then I think he's a loser.
I ran into that question when I met my current husband. I had a hard time learning how to pronounce his last name, which I took as mine when we married. To this day, he says it his way, and I say it my way. He was born and raised in N'York.
Lol it depends, i'm actually a fan of different accents within the us....idk why. I used to LOVE the Michigan accent my friend had, and I still enjoy a New Jersey or New York accent. :D My boyfriend is hispanic we both recently turned 15, and although he grew up in california and english is his first language, his parents both speak Spanish on occasion, and his dad has a fairly heavy accent, so when my boyfriend speaks he carries the same accent despite the fact it is not his first's quite adorable really. I love listening to him when he speaks with/to his family, because that is somehow when the accent is heaviest. I also love listening when he speaks spanish, it turns me on for some reason :P I've decide i'm gunna try to learn spanish just for him though ^_^
Uniqe. love to hear the differnt accents
can be sexy as long i can understand what he is saying and it's not fake
Everyone has an accent! I think some accents as in ones from your own country are more appreciated when abroad and you bump into someone from home, but when you are in your own country other nationality accents are that extra bit special because they are rarer.
If its a British accent its sexy
Some are very the British accent. A Spanish accent is also very sexy.
As long as he's intelligible, that's what matters.
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