No I Am Not Gay
are you rich?
No,I can't Im underage.
If I get to stay home and you go to work...done deal!
I am sure you will get offers but I doubt you are serious.
Okay, if you will pay for the wedding.
If you can support me in the manner to which I am accustomed.
Let me refer to my consultant.
Hmm, maybe a better question might be... why do you want to get married and what does it mean to you. In Canada (where I live) the actual percentage of people getting married is now under 50% of the population and the only population with a growing percentage of marriage is actually Gays and Lesbians and likely only because they were legally prevented from marrying for so many generations that they are just making up for it. Many people in Canada see marriage as an outmoded institution and instead live common-law (which only requires one year in Canada regardless of sex or sexual orientation. Is marriage a value that you hold? Why do you want marriage? Do you see that as limiting the choice of people you can associate with because you must seek out those who are also interested in the institution of marriage? Marriage, just like any long term relationship isn't a quick or easy decision. It's a long-term commitment that should be done with eyes wide open and with an eye to the future. You should see a common ground and a common goal. If you are clear about what you are looking for as wel as a clear understanding of what you want then you will find it easier to find the person that you want to spend time with.
Hi Korey. Don't rush. A wonderful man will come. Take it from gtravels =)
How about a first date instead? Then we can see how it goes from there... . . .
No thanks, I learned my lesson from Kanye
Sorry already taken for 34 years.
If you're a redhead, have an Australian accent, and are not Isla Fisher (cuz she's already taken) then possibly :) Bonus points if you dig on cheetahs, heavy metal or ice hockey. If you like all three I'll go get the ring tomorrow
I know you're only asking me that because you want to marry a hundredaire, don't you? lol
Well I would but I am pretty sure I saw on here someplace that you are 30 or something like that. I'm probably too old for you then at almost 46. Also I thought I saw here recently that you became saved. I belong to a church that is viewed as a cult by most saved people even though we profess to worship the Jesus of the bible most saved people believe we worship a false Jesus which I think is a bunch of bull but who am I to argue with a saved person. Aside from those two problems sure I would consider marrying you after we got to know each other alot better
I do! I been single for too long. But, lets chat and get to know each other first.
I am willing to seriously consider it, but will NOT give a yes or no untill we get to know each other, at least a bit ... I am in Montreal, Where in the world are you? ... you may click my avatar for some info about me ... I see you have very little info in your profile ...
I'll tell you what Oprah said to the Mayor's wife -- hellllllllllllllls no.
yes yes yes
no thanx cara x
you bet so long as we can have annulled on monday.
hmmm I gotta question your screening process there. ; )
Sure. I don't have anything else to do!!
Yes :] and you live in the UK, even better, haha =p
no....O_o... thanks or asking though! :D
you will have to move to Conn or Mass with half of the answer you get here, ya know....
whats wrong with you?
Even if I was so inclined, I don't think my wife would approve.
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