They're nasty i dont eat them at all
I like them....
i hate them along with Lima Beans. YUCK!
i dont enjoy beets,but,i do like red beet eggs...
They're bitter and icky. They ARE a very pretty color, though.
Beets? Blah!!! :o(
What do I think of beets? It's a toss-up between ICK and Ewwww.
They're delicious, nutritious, and make your pee purple. What's not to like? sorry! :D
I love pickled beets. I always thought Pink Floyd said "How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer beets?"
I hate the sight of beets. <shivers>
I had some on a salad today. I like 'em, but my hubby can't stand 'em.
I'd eat 20 lima beans 4 Brussel Sprouts and 2 turnips if it meant I didnt have to even smell beets. And the color would be pretty if it didnt remind me of beets. I'd like Russians better if they didnt eat beets. I'm tired of keeping this a secret. I know they are good nutrition. (Beets, not Russians) I know that it is ethically wrong to hate even vegetables. But when the children say "When can we have some beets, Daddy?" it sends me to the AB legal custody questions category to see if I can have them transferred.
All in all turnips are worse and my least favorite food is mayonnaise.... then turnips!
Oh come on! Pickled beets are great! And Borscht (beet soup, for those in the cheap seats) is the best soup ever!
I hate them!!!
they smell they are slimey and i wouldnt eat beets if they were the last thing on earth to eat and i would rather eat the asshole out of a skunk than beets lol
Beets; they're nature's candy, don't ya know? Nah, I hate 'em too. Unless, of course, you're talking about the band. The only band that can make a song about tofu seem cool....well,semi-cool.
Bleccch!! beets are disgusting!
They make me retch, unless they're in soup form.
I don't hate them. They're not my favorite thing in the world, but I'll usually grab a couple at the salad bar.
They taste like something that would be scraped from under a rock. Nasty, moldy tasting and quite disgusting !!
I hate them
It's one of the foods that made me think that good food tastes bad. Now I know that's only sometimes the truth. In the case of beets...eww.
Hate is such a strong word - how about despise? Lima beans and Brussels sprouts I could choke down with a gun held to my head, but beets - just kill me now. Fortunately I have an outstanding sense of smell so I can detect them in a plate of food before I dig in with a fork, just in case the restaurant forgot to list them (malicious intent?). Unfortunately they taint the food with which they have commingled on the plate.
They aren't that bad. They do contain a different set of vitamins then greens. The old Russians were fold of it and had a drink called borscht. Jewish people from eastern Europe are familiar with beets, it was a food staple.
Ick. >.<
They are so nasty ICKKK and YUCKKK!!! Never will I eat those AGAIN!!!
I can see why you would not like them as they have that bitter taste to them even when they are sweet, but I like them. They are so good for the body and they make your pee red.
Pickled or in redbeet soup, they're tolerable. But if turnips are involved, FORGET IT.
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