• She left me for someone else. She came back. She left me for someone else again. Funny thing is, she was the suspicious one. I was lucky enough to have blissful ignorance.
  • nope I divorced her ass and would do it again. There is no second chances with me sorry to say. All it takes is one time and it is done and over for me.
  • I took my ex back and forgave her. A year later she cheated on me again. I left again for a year. My dumb ass took her back and a year later I caught her with my friend. If you want a life with someone who can betray you and use you for a doormat go back. My belief is once a cheater always a cheater. The second time is always easier for someone who cheats on you. Save yourself a lot of time and heartache by not taking that chance of becoming a doormat. You deserve a better life and a better partner.
  • I have been taken back after cheating AND NEVER did it again! It has been over 10 years since then. Were still together. I learned my lesson that the grass is never greener on the other side of the fence.
  • Yes, I have. We worked on the situation because we both know that our relationship and future together are more important than human weakness. We saw a counselor who was very helpful and have never looked back.
  • Yes and yes. No she didn't do it again. Everything worked out fine. We were very young when it happened and a lot could be attributed to immaturity.
  • Yes i have, and yes i did and no it will NEVER happen again. Things are okay in fact probably better since it happened, i have forgiven but will never forget.. and he knows it. He has too much to lose, and he knows that too. There will be no second chances here.
  • Yes I have. Lesson learned Once a cheater. Always a cheater.
  • I forgave my girlfriend (now ex, but for completely different reasons) when she drunkenly cheated on me. I needed time and emotional distance from her to get over it, but she made a mistake and it never happened again for the duration of the relationship. For the record, I was influenced by her honesty and her genuine remorse, seemed to make all the difference. I've had girls lie, downplay, or make excuses for cheating in the past, and that makes the situation a LOT worse.
  • i think it depends on the circumstances and the person
  • Two wrongs don't get a right. Nothing like this happens to me, so far so good.
  • To my knowledge, this has never happened to me. I would not forgive them though, not due to personal feelings, I think I would just be unable to touch him again...kinda kills the mood knowing some hobag had just been there, doing that. I hope everything in their STD tests was "okay".
  • i cheated and was taken back never done it since and wouldnt even think about it now! we are arranging our wedding now and he trusts me so much more and our relationship is twice as strong!
  • I forgive them but never ask them to come back..Don't need to that..The damage has been done.^_^
  • when love is so strong after being together 50yrs..married 46, I couldnt say goodbye to her...but, like Toby Keith sang "I wish I didnt know now, what I didnt know then"...I forgave her but, cannot ever forget..I took her back and its working out ok now....
  • yeah ive forgave my b/f for cheating on me and now everything is 'okay' even alot better then before cause it strengthend are realshonship a little more
  • Yeah he did it... more than once... but we even so i aint trippin
  • I'm trying - he cheated and admitted it was truely sorry and wanted me still, said he doesn't know why he did it but I reckon its cos he was subconciously a little bit unsure as we are buying a house together but he said he didn't intend for it to happen. Said it made him realise how much he loves and wants me and thats theres no-one else for him. We are still moving out and I love him still loads, just trying to get back the trust now. Hope it all goes well for you if you are the one thats been cheated on :-)
  • Yes I have and yes he did and no everything was not ok. Only you can know what is best for you to do. I do not believe the saying "once a cheater, always a cheater" but I do believe with some people it is their nature. Only you can figure out which kind of person you have.
  • I've been cheated on a LOT, by all different gf's. After the first time with each, I always forgave them and tried to make it work. Only once did it end up being ok though, with my last girlfriend. She never cheated on me again, and was genuinely remorseful and sorry for her mistake. (footnote: her cheating on me is why I joined AB in the first place.) All the others though, they all said they were sorry and it wouldn't happen again, but they were full of shit.
  • Well, I cheated on my boyfriend over a year ago (quite a few times) and he still wanted me and I haven't done a thing to hurt him since, nor has he ever cheated on me.
  • He cheated early on in the relationship, and was genuienly remorseful. i took some time to deal with it and we decided to get back together after a while. its been good. sometimes i wonder would he do it again, sometimes i throw it in his face in an argument. sometimes its a joke between us. our time together has been good, and if we break up for whatever reason, i will know the good times outweighed the bad.
  • My Boyfriend Cried and told everything he has been doing. We know each other for 20 months now. He cheated on me with his Ex three times when we were having a bad time in our relationship.But it was just smal argument. The day he told me, his sister and his parents, they all were suprised. The reason he told me because he wanted to be honest, he realized that he loves me and even though whatever he did, didn't mean anything. I love him to death and for a second I decided to leave him. But when we were talking he couldn't stop crying for what he did and he needed me by his side to get over all the things he has been doing. He also mentioned that he wants to marry me and doesn;t want to hide the truth.. Mentioned that he learnt his lesson and will everything to make it better for me... I am still with him and trying to work it out..
  • i took my bf that cheated on me after a year in a long distance relationship. He told me he loved me and what a stupid mistake he did. He cried when i was leaving, even cried in public because he didnt want me to leave, seemed very honest. A few months after I left, he said that the army wanted him back and he left to oklahoma. Then i saw pictures of him and her again and i was just so obviously what happend. He lied and denied it and i left him. Well, until we talked again more than a half year later and he said that he disappered because he wanted to solve his personal problems, and that he did see her and bla bla bla. He gets angry everytime i bring it up.. now we are getting married. And im thinking about if i should leave him or not..
  • WELL LET me tell u my confusing story... i have a bf/fiance right now who is very loving, trustworthy, and kind to me. About a year a a month ago, he cheated on me SOBER... he kissed some girl...rather ugly one i would say. He said he did it because he felt i would leave him like previous he lost hope. I was a very confusing person i understood this. I let it slide The second time he was drunk at a party and his friends had to tell him that he was kissing another female and then ran into a truck out of no where. Then he told me ...I was hurt and confused but he told me the truth, and vowed not to drink again ...not to metnion he was a stupid teenager who was coming out the years where u act a fool ...then switch it up to become seious. Now he is more mature and i trust other stories, but i know if i find one, its back to fishing 4 me.
  • I didn't leave him for cheating, but he has become a better boyfriend since.

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