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  • Make time for "dating" each other again.
  • Did you ever get this resolved. I would like to know the answer to this! I am having the same problem!
  • Wow, this is an old question. I hope y'all have resolved the issue. However, if not, try: Have a "date" night once a week for just you and your spouse. Get away for a week-end - even if you just stay at a hotel nearby. Use the time for just the two of you. And while you're there, use a "sexual position" die or a game (they have several games that can really spice up your sexual life). Try the 10 second kiss - you never let a day go by without it.
  • I would leave my sweety a treaure hunt of notes reflecting on our happier times together hidden in key places like his lunch box or bathroom mirror next to his deodrant etc... with a reward at the end like an exclusive night alone with a good movie and his favorite food
  • Sit down together and review what it was that brought you together. Talk about the "old days" when you delighted in the sound of each other's voice, touch, even nearness. Remember the magic of those moments before the kids came. What were your dreams then? Have you already accomplished them. Sit down and draw up a dream you would each like your relationship to be right now. Then make it happen.
  • Do a date night Do small things for each other. Draw his bath give a massage. Turn off the tv Take a walk together a couple days a week Touch more Leave notes of love, encouragement or playfulness Recapture intimacy...that's not just sex Talk more but sometimes don't talk at all...enjoy each others presence Kiss Have independent interests. Time spent on your own doing things you can discuss later can be very important too.

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