• I don't believe in sexist roles
  • Emphatic NO
  • If it is, I'm fired.
  • in my house yes because my bf is a lazy muppet. and im a clean freak lol. but i reckon its not a "womans job" i mean a man can just as easily pick up a hoover and duster.
  • If that's the case, as a gay man, I would live in year-round filth.
  • Only if there is a Woman around, if not a trained Monkey will do.
  • I think that is about as stupid as saying its a mans place to take out the trash. I have always been the one to keep the house clean but not because I thought it was my "place".
  • It is in my home because I don't have a full time job. When I did though we shared...his share was 10% and I got the other 90%.....
  • I think it would be a very foolish man who would express that belief in this day and age
  • No .. i do the house work 99.9% of the time .. i cook and clean .. noting wrong with that .. and i know that my house is clean if i do it myself ..
  • No. It's the duty of everyone who lives in the home to keep it clean and tidy.
  • I believe it should be shared unless one doesn't work then the job should belongs to that person.
  • Only if she marries a patrinomical, shovinistic asshole. We (guys) spend most of our lifes trying to get away from our parents (at least those of us who dont suck) the last thing we need is another woman to play the part of "mommy." Its simple, clean up after yourself, wipe your own ass, make dinner, take part in the glorius reality we call "taking care of your home and family" And saying "i put food on the table" is a cop out. you didnt put it there. you financed it; one of the simplest jobs.
  • Hey you ABer's! I sense that HOW I asked the question would have been better served if I asked, 'Does ANYBODY believe ...' Beloved husband and I share everything, including 'da house!' Fortunately he's as neat as I. I grew up in a household where THE WOMEN were expected to do everything re: home/house/blah-blah! The guys? Yeah, well ... they were the ones who changed the car oil (once a year), mowed the lawn (MAYBE once a week during summertime), shoveled the snow off the walk (winter task). What's great is, even after 25 years of blissed out marriage (no kidding!!!), that guy-o-mine, after 'catching' me having done both of our laundry will comment, "You know, this is NOT your job!' He believes that about cooking, and everything around our home! Pretty cooperative, I'd say! Actually, now that I think about it: I have been 'known' now to ACTUALLY LEAVE A shirt on the floor! OHMYGAWD! Just kidding, honest! Beloved and my son got together and pleaded with me to NOT clean so much. Jeesch, it took me years to 'get it!' Now? I finally realized that what was far and away more important was the TIME I spent with them as individuals ... and as a family. HURRAY!
  • No that is why I employ someone else to do it ;oP
  • I hope not, because I would be fired!
  • Depends on the situation. If she stays at home and he earns all the money I would say it is her "job". Even then I do believe there are somethings he should do like mow the lawn and take out the trash, and the matenice since most men know way more about it then women do. Now if they both work outside of the home it should be shared equally. In both instances they should be cleaning up after themselves. With my fiance and I it was diffrent. I did most of the house work and child care even though we both worked, but that's because all of his money went to the bills for the household while mine went to just mine. Also he worked third shift and lots of overtime so he either had to sleep or was gone.
  • It used to be because women stayed home and men worked outside the home. But for some reason even tho most women work now, a lot of them are still stuck with the house cleaning too. I think if they both work, it's only right that they both clean the house or hire a housekeeper. My husband and I both do the house cleaning, but my ex wouldn't even take out the trash....lazy &#@*$ (I love that "honest-to-nature". ha)
  • I think whoever needs to, cleans. If one spouse works outside and doesn't have time, then the other who stays home can do it if they decide as a couple that's how things should be. But I think it is everyone in the family's job to help KEEP it clean. There is no reason for all members to cleanup after themselves, to hang up their clothes, to put things away when they are done with them. If they spill something, wipe it up. It's just common courtesy and respect for other people, and those other people are your family, not strangers. My husband and I always do everything together, whoever is up to doing the job. If we really like doing something, then that can be something they do. He loves doing dishes by hand. It's hard to get him to put them in the dishwasher. Do I mind, heck no! I am better at vacuuming, moving furniture and doing walls and such. He would never think of doing it that way, so I do it. I've left a dirty bathroom sink thinking when it got gross he might do it....nope, doesn't matter to him so that's another thing I do. It's a wonderful working give and take, for 34 years we gladly do what needs doing. For 6 years I had a severe back and hip problems, he did most of the work. When I was able to do things, he stepped aside. When I was having a bad day, he seamlessly stepped in. Partners, that's what it is all about. Each couple should discuss this if they don't already now how things will go. SOme women love doing everything, others are too business to do it themselves. Just because we have different chromosomes doesn't mean we have a feather duster and a rag in our hands. Today life is different. You do what needs doing, and are thankful and appreciative for any help you get, both of you, all the children, too.
  • no, i dont.
  • No - I believe it's up to whomever is living in the home to contribute and help keep it clean. (Excluding, of course, babies and toddlers - but even toddlers can pick up their own toys.)
  • I believe that EVERYONE in the house should help! If the woman is not working then I can see why she would do all the house cleaning!
  • No. I think it is sexist to assume it is a woman’s job to clean the house. I think the choirs should be divided based on individual preference and time availability.
  • Sure, if she lives alone.
  • No. Everyone makes the messes and everyone needs to help clean up the messes.
  • It's the job of the person that spends less time at work. However, I've always been the one that works the longest hours and does all of the housework. Myabe it's usually women that care enough about how the place looks to bother with it.
  • No. I think the responsibility lies with everyone who lives in the household.
  • No, not any more. It is a joint responsibility of all the people who live in the home. I understand that small children and handicap people can only be held partially accountable. It is not uncommon these days for all the adults of the house to have a job outside the house.
  • Yes, and a man's job if he's around. Whoever needs to and can.
  • tradishionaly, yer, but today, i dunno, maybe, after all its the mothers instinct.
  • No everyone's house job should be equal, unless there is a legitimate disability.
  • In my situation it is because the person whose cleaning services I pay for is a woman. ;)

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