• if you are that soft you probably shouldn't come here . Why do you want to come to a Q&A site if only your opinion counts?
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Every opinion counts. My question is about preventing others from giving people a hard time. Some people are bullies and should be stopped.
    • ★Stevo
      a block feature for all 10 users?
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      The point of a block feature is to make sure the user does not get bullied or trolled. It’s for their own protection even if it means for all 10 users because anyone can get a hard time on here by being bullied or trolled. A block feature on Answerbag is for anyone to use if it ever happens
    • ★Stevo
      bullied or trolled on Answerbag as I said why do you want to live in a bubble where only posts you agree with are allowed?
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      It’s not about what I agree or disagree with. It sounds like you’re defending bullies and trolls. Nobody should be subject to those people
    • ★Stevo
      what do you define as bullying disagreeing with someone ?
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Disagreeing with someone is not bullying. Online bullying is a different thing altogether which should not be tolerated. An example of online bullying is someone who says horrible things to others such as telling them to go kill themselves or something like that. That’s what I’m trying to get at all along.
    • ★Stevo
      you must spend alot of time in a very soft environment?
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      I’m not sure it’s the environment that makes me express moral views
    • ★Stevo
      you come to a site with all of 10 people and want to block other users very moral?
  • If you simply ignore them, then you have effectively blocked them. It's just too difficult to go thru life worrying about saying something somebody else might not like, IMHO. 3/22/25
  • Yes I agree with you
  • I think it's a test of character, you can't change everyone, so just accept them for who they are, ie this person is acting like a Tosspot, and enjoying it, I can't change that, nor do I want that to be my job, (thank f##k), and keep your peace, say little if nothing at all. No response equals no reaction. "If you don't give them your peace, then they can't take it."
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      I don’t change anyone. It is up to a person to change for themselves. I accept differences in people.
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      You said you want the bullies to stop, hence you want them to change. All I'm saying is there's very little if anything we can do to change them, the only thing we can do is ignore them, not give them the time of day. Block buttons do not work, they will just use a different name.
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      Show us the example Shadow, then we can read it, if it needs flagging, there are protocols for no bullying on this site?
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      At first I didn’t know where you were going with your answer to my question and you’ve now said I want the bullies to change but that’s a misunderstanding. What I’m getting at is if there is a block feature, it will prevent the bully or troll from trying to say anything more to the person they are trolling or bullying. When I say “stop”, it means the bully or troll is being prevented from trying to make communication so I should have used the right wording at first. It’s true we can ignore them. I hear what you’re saying though about them using a different name if they get blocked but I think a block feature or even an account suspension with a reason given to them might teach them a lesson.

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