• I think they are visually appealing to children, and may provoke the inner child (the part of us that remains playful and imaginative in adults) to be open. This aids in learning and easier digestion of content, and let's face it, funny is entertaining.
  • 2/1/2025, very true. Some of the best animations I have watched recently are Fantasia (1940) and Cinderella (1950). Cartoons work as therapy to release negative feelings and increase pleasurable activities.
  • Somewhat true because movies distract the viewer from certain situations in reality but yet depending on the viewer, some will watch a lot of movies like animations for instance which is not good for the mind and others will watch not as much movies. Young viewers have more of a vulnerable mind and believe what they see in the movies yet some adults are the same because their minds are not mature. Eventually someone will burst their bubble by telling them that movies are not real because what you see on the screen is the directorโ€™s imagination with the help of the cast and crew.

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