How else does karma work?
Shadow Of The MindWhat has karma got to do with my question?
Urban SpacemanYou asked why people believe in reincarnation, right? Well, when bad things happen to people in their present life for apparently no justifiable reason, it's because of something they did in a previous life. That's karma, and that's what it has to do with your question. How else do you think karma works if there is no reincarnation?
Shadow Of The MindThere is only one life for each person and to think we have more than one life is being delusional. We are not zombies that belong in horror movies. Karma and reincarnation is a delusion that some people create in their imagination and that’s why they can’t prove their point since it’s all in their mind only. It’s all bull$hit. Once a person’s life is gone, they are gone forever and probably end up mentioned in a history book or channel on television.
They don't believe the body survives death, only the eternal soul or atman.
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