• Your name is Vampire of My Own, drinking blood is part of the process for you.
    • Creamcrackered
      Now, if you are referring to Jesus, you have to put it in context. Jesus describes himself as the bread of life, and a spring of water that you may never thirst. He was born in Bethlehem "The house of Bread." When Jesus spoke the words he broke bread and poured wine. So in context with other verses “I am the bread of life; whoever "comes to me" shall not hunger, and whoever "believes in me" shall never thirst. In taking the bread and wine it was demonstrating an act of faith. Might we all be nourished not only by natural bread, but “by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord” (Deuteronomy 8:3)
  • Not crazy. Just delusional because vampires are just actors in make up who appear in the movies and movies are just imaginary.

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