• The 10 Commandments were the written law, hence prior to that the hard hearted people kept raping, pillaging, coverting, and the prophets kept saying "Look guys, how many times am I going to have to tell you, to stop raping, pilaging and stealing.....No, Stan you cannot covert Fred's oxen." "GOD, they are just not getting it, my throats hoarse from keep repeating myself, they are out of throat lozenges at the pagan witchcraft chemist, I can't take it anymore! It's going to ruin my singing recital on Thorsday, what can I do?" "What was that God? Write them on giant tablets? What a great idea!" (4 days later) "Nope, God they are just not getting it, and in my temper I smashed the bloody tablets." "OK, I'll do it again. Great, I think this may work." (2 months later), "Yeah God they are not getting it, can you put someone else in charge?" The tablets were to convict of sin, they were the law. For Christians, Yeshua said that the law could be summed up in these two phrases, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Hence, the only difference for Christians compared to normal control, is that they believe God is the main reason for their existence, and secondly, that their behaviour should reflect this in how they treat others. "Be christ-like, be Holy as your father is holy. Christians live under faith, and faith in Christ, "equals his sacrifice and words, in action," because like Christ, Christians humble themselves, allowing God full control, and see our will, our thoughts, desires of the flesh, sacrificed on the cross with Christ, while God's holy spirit, and his will, dwell inside us, and so resurrecting us as the fruit that follows Christ, (the first fruit,) as brethren of Christ, and sons of the spirit born of God. The body of earth like the first Adam, but the spirit of Christ (the second Adam) The Commandments in our hearts and minds. Akin to Jeremiah 31.33
  • What most "Christians" don't know is there are 613 commandments. None of which gentiles are required to follow, only the Jews. The pharisees added over 1000 more laws.

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