• they are following their desires and lusts..
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Thanks for sharing!
  • I don't know that people are born "evil" per se...but certainly people are born with a very strong inclination to "sin". For example: infants (even pre-toddlers) ***commonly*** exhibit behavior that in adults would be considered (1) theft (2) unjustifiable violence (3) criminal assault, etc. *** SO: yeah, we're pretty much born amoral, self-centered jerks. Good thing we're hard-wired (as adults) to go all gooey over babies. And good thing most of us can and do learn at least some of "right from wrong".
  • All of the above. I've heard that abnormal serotonin levels in utero can cause psychological problems to the child. Traumatic events can cause PTSD and borderline personality disorder, TBI, stroke, or even a brain infection can cause thinking issues. Some suggest even radio and electrical waves can affect thinking and behavior. And some people have serious issues. But I think most of the time it's simply that people are selfish. Most don't want to hurt anyone, but might if forced or manipulated.
  • Some people are born with a desire to kill. I don't k now if that makes them evil or mentally ill. I don't enjoy killing animals yet others do. Does that make me good and them evil? What about hunting. If you enjoy hunting for fun then yes you are evil. Same thing different extreme.
  • Usually the latter, but both are possibilities

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