• I'd rather die. Every other country Ive seen is a shithole compard to where I live. Too many people and too much rubbish being the main reasons I say that.
  • I wouldn't move to another country. All my relatives for several thousand years have lived and died right here in these mountains. I'm staying put. 6/9/24
    • 11stevo73
      much more loyal to an area than my people. As soon as the oldman dies western woman want to sell and have their share of the money. I wish I owned Grandpas farm. It doesn't bother them to dig up and mine the land 3 generations of the family lived and worked on their entire lives
    • 11stevo73
      The entitlement of the western woman has torn my family apart.
    • dalcocono
      We look at it a little differently. We just live for a time on the lands that we still have. When we're done, we leave it for the family to carry on. We don't sell it, it's "trust land" held by the govt.
  • Ontario, Canada. I used to live there and liked it very much. I just cannot afford to move back.
  • Israel

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