• I wouldn't be going to Baja California they killed a couple of Aussie surfers there recently.
  • Cuidate señora, los mexicanos podrían matarle el culo. 5/27/24
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      "Be careful Ma'am. The Mexican can kill you. The Ass? Are You the ass, dalcocono?
    • dalcocono
      No pendejo, it actually means be careful senora, the mexicans might kill your ass
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      No es mi culpa que no hables Español.
  • If you stay in the tourist areas you are safe. However if you venture out into the country where they don't depend on tourism to survive, you are taking your life in your hands. Narco traffickers, rapists, and kidnappers abound. And yes the Police are on the take. Don't show your cash to anyone. And don't drink the water.
  • Traveling there is usually relatively safe. It's once you've arrived that you start having problems...
  • I live on the north side of the Rio Bravo, within 10 miles. I will not venture into Mexico now; it is just too dangerous. I have many friends in Mexico I have not seen in years. I miss going there and seeing my friends. Not until the drug cartels are removed forever will it be safe there.

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