• It would be hard for strangers to understand the dynamics of the family. I'm sure that it's very hurtful and annoying to not only not be invited but to be expected to forgo classes to care for your sister. A deliberate slap in the face. You'll have to find the answer to that dilemma from a professional. HOWEVER, in response to mom's order for you to care for sister at that time, a simple "Sorry Mom, I'll be busy at that time. You'll have to go with the caregivers." Simple, straightforward, definite! And, don't discuss the point, just do it. Any fallout from your actions will have to be sorted by that professional.
  • Sounds like you shot off your mouth and it wasn't appreciated by those you put last in your vacation plans. Imagine: "No one in my family has been abroad, so here's what I'll do - I'll put me first and then the rest of you can go when I come back." That sounds like a lot of fun for everyone else, doesn't it? Or, maybe you'll just be the one enjoying yourself knowing that you treated the rest of your family like secondhand citizens. I'd say you got what was coming to you. Maybe next time, you won't be so selfish.
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