• Hard to prove in most cases, but if you take pictures and the damage on the vehicles confirms your account, then chances are the other person could be at fault. But, unless you can prove fault beyond a reasonable doubt the insurance company will probably go 50/50 on the fault. Do your homework, prove your case.
  • It's like everywhere- it's nobody's fault in a parking lot like a grocery store as it is not on the highway. You pay for it yourself and don't bother to call the cops as they will be mad for the interruption.
  • It's like everywhere- it's nobody's fault in a parking lot like a grocery store as it is not on the highway. You pay for it yourself and don't bother to call the cops as they will be mad for the interruption.
  • Parking lots are private property, no insurance payout.
  • They will most likely split the fault either 50/50 or 60/40 if they, like you, believe it was more his fault. It would probably be cheaper to not go through insurance however.

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