• Draft dodgers have become president. Its a vote, there isnt anything that I am aware of that could stop you from running for the presidency, but its votes that get you in. Criminal is kind of vague though.
  • Yes. In fact, George W. Bush is the first President in US history to enter office with a criminal record. The only charge that he has openly admitted to is the 1976 DUI conviction in Maine. Here are the requirements for running for President: "The United States Constitution provides that a candidate for the presidency must be a "natural-born" United States citizen. The candidate must also be at least 35 years old and must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years. No law or court decision has yet defined the exact meaning of natural-born. Authorities assume the term applies to citizens born in the United States and its territories. But they are not sure if it also includes children born to United States citizens in other countries. How Nominated: By a national political party convention" --

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