Use a lighter to warm it up.
see the vet
Put on one of those swine flu medical masks a lot of people are wearing these days and breath into it. It should warm your nose up good. +5
Cup your hand over your mouth and nose, a blow air from your mouth, it always works for me, when my nose is cold. +5
Try to cover it with a mask for 5 minutes or put some tissues on it in order to warm it :)
jump back in bed under the covers...
Give your boyfriend a big kiss.
put a nose sock on it
Grow a mustache.
"Pull your head back and close the refrigerator door."
Pack up and move to Florida like a lot of us old farts did! :-) +5
Stick it somewhere warm. No, not there. Stick it on your wife's neck an snuggle.
Use this medicine:
<shoves Tjoejams nose in my armpit> Hows that for warmth?
Give me a (((Hug))) and nuzzle into my shoulder to warm it.
warm it up
hair dryer
Go to the nearest boutique and purchase a $50 nose warmer knitted by Peruvian Sherpas in their spare time.
Let the boogers pile up. They act as insulation.
Put one of those red Clown Balls on it
Depends a lot on if you are asking about what to do about a cold nose that you want to remain so or you wish to warm up. You may also be asking a general question and the iformation about you nose is just given in passing in which case I have no idea of what you should do, but I do wish you the very best in whatever you decide. A lot of people when in doubt seem to like to do nothing which in it itself is a choice. +5
Put a nice woolen scarf across your face. +5
dont touch it. its only cold when you touch it
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