Beating the hell out of Nancy Pelosi.
Smaller government
Pretty much nothing else.
Maybe spanking her while she yells "drill baby drill"
Watching Nailin Palin with the sound off and listeniing to Let the Mighty Eagle Soar.
Ronnie Jr in his tutu.
..... Whether or not Sarah is really Trans .....
Kicking Obamas ass...Literarily.
Catching Osama
Waking up one morning and the news is hot off the press..."Americans are now allowed to run their own affairs without help from Democrats."
Nancy Pelosi falling and breaking her neck!
Obama raping them in the ass.
LOL, come on, sarah palins is hot, but no more so than coldolisa rice. funny thing about that commic... the fact that the republican party would view her as such is why she has my vote. I consider both parties traitors to the people of america and the enemy of my enemy is my friend... she makes enemies of her peers, and since I hate her peers she has my vote.
A spanking? ... You kiddin man? Just like your Avatar that lady got a shotgun ... and unlike Dick, SHE CAN SHOOT STRAIGHT!!!! I'd like to have her run for something, anything. Just so, for once, us guys can vote for a BABE!
Ann Coulter rim job?
have no idea
The government running at a profit!
Donald in a speedo..atop a wall...holding a newborn...I tried... Or Hillary naked, who knows?
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