Three physical units on a day to day basis, sometimes more, and I VNC/Remote Desktop into about ten or so (servers and so on) fairly regularly. I have a few VM machines I use occasionally as well.
Daily? Probably about 15 to 20.
Two, one upstairs and one downstairs..
Only one.
One (once in a while two)
one at home and one at work
My PC, my laptop and any free computer in the library when I'm at uni.
Two. One is for down stairs, I used every day.
solamente uno
2 at home, one at work
Lets see 20 in the server room, 3 at my desk, 3 at home.
Two, my desktop and my laptop for around the house, like when I am watching TV
Well there are five in the house but most of those are laptops and three of them don't work especially well or fast. I mainly use only the one laptop.
My own one and sometimes my dad's
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