Smart and funny, already had good looking.
Smart and funny. Good looks only last so long. You can always improve your looks. Like the saying goes. Dumb is forever. Boring should be added as well.
beauty is skin deep. it's corny, but it's true. the people you may initially think are mediocre looking but have a heart of gold, may be the most beautiful people at the end of it all. and the good-looking one, with nothing to say? Not so attractive anymore...
I'll go with smart and funny as LOOKs will CHANGE over time ... then you have an angry, ugly, grouch to contend with .. not to mention ..stupid and too serious ... +5
Smart and funny. Good looking but dumb as a stump gets old really quick. To paraphrase Ron White, looks are temporary, but dumb is forever.
Smart, funny and money.....oops that last one would be nice!:):)REAL NICE!
Smart and funny any day. I've seen some of the goofiest looking guys pull really fine wemon based on their mouth piece.
I would go with funny, smart, than the looks in at about number 1,418. +5
Oh, good looking of course. I love spending time with a beautiful person who has the brains and personality of a speed bump. The interesting part is, everyone will answer "smart and funny" but you see a lot of people in the world walking around with speed bumps.
Smart and Funny for me.
Warning: Any other answer to this question is subject to the "story-telling problem". . In other words, people are attracted to what they are attracted to. Their verbal description of what that is MAY OR MAY NOT be accurate. . . .
Smart and funny. A lifetime friend needs to have a good personality:)
Smart and funny :) +5
Smart & funny
Smart and funny. Good looking is in the eye of the beholder anyways.
Looks can be purchased if you have the big bucks and go under the knife. They also fade. Smart/funny? You have that forever. I'll take the sure thing and not waste my time on the longshot! Smart and funny every time! :)
smart and funny, and if they have good looks that a big bonus,
who says you can't have all?
What Pandora said.
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