• You think atheists hate God because you think you are God.
  • Do you even read these answers? I won't bother answering any of your questions again.
  • As a former atheist, I can say that when I was an atheist, I did not hate God. I just did not believe He exists. I don't think you can be an atheist & hate God - you can't hate something that doesn't exist.
  • How can one hate that which does not exist? It is not a question of /wanting/ not to believe in him, for ego or any other reason. There si just no evidence that God exists. Your question is based on the assumption that God exists. Until you understand the viewpoint of someone whyo can see no sign at all of God in this universe, you will not even be able to ask meaningful questions.
  • It's not God, it's what God represents that some atheists hate so much. I've spoken to atheists who hate the CONCEPT of a God, a creator who would have authority over them. They hate the idea that someone would tell them not to do things they want to do or to do things they don't want to do.
  • Shaaaaduuuuuup : P You sound like 'jesus is god'. We already have enough wackjobs on the internet. Do you even read the answers to your questions?
  • What part of "we do not believe in God" do you not understand?
  • I stopped answering your questions a long time ago, you never respond, you never point, you never answer. huh, kinda like God.
  • Wow what a simple question to Answer: Being an Atheist myself the simple explanation is "I DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD" and know its not ego I Just don't see any evidence that proves God Exists how hard is it to Understand that?
  • Atheists believe that God or gods DO NOT EXIST, not that they don't WANT to believe. Now, how can they hate what they believe doesn't exist? Ego has nothing to do with it, and you could have worked all this out for yourself if you allowed yourself a few moments of independent thought.
  • Since God does not exist, there is nothing to hate
  • It is definitely my ego. Seriously. Definition of ego from a psychological perspective: "The Ego comprises that organized part of the personality structure that includes defensive, perceptual, intellectual-cognitive, and executive functions. Conscious awareness resides in the ego, although not all of the operations of the ego are conscious. The ego separates what is real. It helps us to organize our thoughts and make sense of them and the world around us." Weird, sounds like our ego is what allows us to differentiate what is real from what is not real based on our intellect. Counter-question, is it your ego that causes you to have a belief in God? Freud stated that one of the defenses of the ego is fantasy (i.e. creating something because you don't agree with reality). By the way.... You just got served. +2 =)
  • Atheists believe god does not exist. They do not hate. they are mostly very logical, level minded people. Those are not the ones you have to fear. The religious fanatics are the ones we have to be scared of, for lack of logic and filled with hate.
  • I know plenty of Atheists who fall into both categories, to all extremes.
  • "Hate" is a religious word.
  • Explain to me why the Hindu religion and its gods are a load of superstitious nonsense - and you'll have explained why I don't believe in yours either. It's not pride. Pride is what drives people to think this massive, massive universe was somehow built just to accommodate us and that the state of this massive, massive universe is directly linked to things we do. THAT is extraordinary!
  • Well I do think it makes me a bit smarter for having doubts- so I'll say ego.
  • The world would probably seem a whole lot better if you stuck your head out your ass.
  • All I can say is WTF?
  • Read Romans 1:19-23 and you'll see.
  • No its because every story ever told about God is full of inconsistencies and unverified stories. IMO God was invented to explain the unknown at the time.
  • I am an atheist! God created me! How dare you question His wisdom! 1.And your question is at best, redundant. Atheists (don't believe in God), so why would it matter if your concept loves or hates some one? 2.Belief is about concept. Ask Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus etc etc. 'Why is your God correct and above every other God'? You will get the same answer. 3.Ego? Ego derives from the need for self preservation. Self preservation most often comes at the cost of reality. 4.Learn who Horus is. A mere 10 minutes online should shock you. If it doesn't... keep your head in the sand, you'll be fine.
  • How can I hate something which does not exist?.. nothing to do with my ego at all
  • Atheists do not believe in God. Atheists do not believe in fairys. Atheists do not believe in unicorns. Atheists do not believe in Santa. Atheists do not believe in giants. Atheists do not believe in witches. . Atheists believe in facts. Atheists believe in evidence. Atheists believe in the improvement of mankind. . Atheists do not base their morals on cosmic absolutes. . Atheists base their morals on the good of mankind.
  • I don't hate god, and it's not that I don't want to believe in him. Heck, I'd LOVE to believe in a god who was always watching out for me, and who loved me, I just don't see any evidence for one. When I find evidence I feel is solid, then I'll believe in god, but until then, I'm sticking with my disbelief. Note I didn't say hate, I didn't mention my ego, I just said disbelief.
  • Your question doesn't even make sense. I don't "hate" that which does not exist. It is impossible to "hate" a figment of someone's imagination.
  • coming from someone who doesnt believe in god, this question is just provocitive
  • my nuts are looking myighty lovely this time of year. i truly think i have fall nuts
  • This question is just silly. Do you hate leprechauns? Why do you not want to believe in leprechauns? Is it your ego?
  • It is difficult to hate that which doesn't exist. I require more than faith, I require hard evidence. If god is so lazy that he cannot provide, then he isn't worth worshipping. Ego has nothing to do with it. "God" made me a skeptic, so I'm skeptical.
  • You know what I just realized just now? there are no answers for anything, its just you and me speculating in the dark, AB has been a total waste of my time.
  • Neither. I don't hate god. I don't not want to believe in him. I just don't believe in him. +5
  • blah blah blah ,some ppl find it easy to cal an atheist, egoistic , bt if its d ego , thn it mst fly away in difficulties,bt it nvr happened wit me,m still atheist :-p .I consider wats ryt rather than wats possible,n think on it,unlyk some shitheads ... hehe
  • Any atheist that "hates God" is obviously not an atheist. Atheists don't believe in God for the same reason you don't believe in the tooth fairy. they simply find the idea absurd and don't. It never fails to amaze me that theists (particularly Christians0 constantly perpetuate the silly idea that atheists somehow secretly believe in god.
  • What a pompous, judgmental and just plain ass-hole way to phrase your question. The simple fact is that there is no evidence that god evidence exists. Exactly the same as the Tooth Fairy and Santa. If an adult wants to make an idiot of himself by believing in something for which there is no evidence - so be it. But in any context other than religions he'd be considered a fool or crazy. For the record - one cannot hate that which doesn't exist. Face it and get over it. -5
  • no they don't but I think they hate you
  • Aw, C'Mon, dude! Whatever floats your boat, no? - After years of effort and self-deception, I finally accepted the idea that I'll likely never have dinner with Rebecca DeMornay. With that kinda diffused, global and ('cataract-level') blinding hatred, it's all about a bitch to wrap my mind around that. But I don't blame God. Not really. - ;-)
  • Christians-Do you love God or is it that you just want to believe in Him? Is this your Ego?
  • There's a third possibility: not believing because you aren't convinced He's real. That's different from hate and different from not wanting to believe. I am NOT defending any postion, just pointing out a third idea.
  • None of the above. I realize it can be difficult to empathize with people who hold beliefs contrary to yours, but please try to understand that atheists do not believe in gods the same way theists do not believe in Santa Claus. The problem with your question is that you are refusing to recognize an opposing viewpoint as valid, or even as possible.
  • I don't hate any Gods. I just don't believe they really exist.
  • Do you hate Harry Potter? I do not have strong emotions about fictional characters, e.g. Harry Potter and God. I do not want to merely believe anything, because beliefs have no evidence. I want to know what is true by looking objectively at the evidence and lack thereof. My Ego is not involved in logical and objective decisions. The fact is that there is no convincing evidence that any gods exist. Christians, do you hate Amaterasu or just do not want to believe in Her. Is it your Ego? As you see, I can use any gods or goddesses in your assertions.
  • they just dont believe in him so theres noone to hate
  • I don't think God exists, so how could I love or hate him? You make no sense. I want to know what is true, and the4re's no evidence for any gods, so I don't accept them as real. Your Ego is a problem, but mine isn't.

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