• Yes, a number of cases of female-male rape have been reported in the United States, despite the widespread denial of female sexual aggression in the US. Google 'female sex offender-double standard' for more information. There is almost no research and reporting on female-male rapes so most women who rape men and boys probably are able to escape accountability for their crimes. Canada is far ahead of the US in facing female sexual aggression as a crime. As for how a woman can rape a man, the reason is the male, like female, sexual arousal operates independently from consent. Therefore, a woman can incapacitate a man by force, stimulate him against his will to erection and rape him. However, the more commonly reported cases of female-male rape often resemble those of Catholic child molesters where a boy or other under-aged guy is raped by his mother, his teacher or some other adult woman who has control over him. This form of rape, is statutory rape (or incest) because the male victim is too young for informed consent. People often use totally different standards for judging rape of a girl by a man than they do rape of a boy by a woman. This is unfortunate because boys raped by women have nowhere to turn when they need someone to acknowledge their rage, terror, sorrow and confusion.
  • there is more to sexual activity then intercourse. inappropriate behaviour and touching for intent of enjoyment is wrong. think about it!

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