I think it's their upbringing which is then triggered by the stress. Because if you think about it, there are people out there who are under tremendous amounts of stress and can still be patient and keep their cool. So what's different about them? Their upbringing, right? :^) And then there are those who lose it at the slightest bit of stress. Go figure.
Some are born assholes, Some achieve assholeness, Some have assholeness thrust (into) them.
As a proud asshole my self, I come from a lineage of thoroughbred assholes, asshats, and other general ass(es) with suffixes added on to the end. For instance my father, Sir AssHole IV was known to pass cynical, and sarcastic quips at rapid fire, thus earning him the title of 'Fastest ass in the West'. I believe that true assholishness is both an art, and a study. But, more importantly it runs into the veins of younger assholes that walk amongst us in our day to day life. Yes, it's more in their upbringing then their stress levels.
To tell you the truth I think it is neither. I think it is a reaction to being hurt. You know a protection mechanism. Like the Lion with the thorn in his paw. The Lion is always growling. Not because he is an asshole but rather in pain. When the little mouse comes up and pulls out the thorn (pain removed) the Lion is cool again. Sorry I haven't had my coffee yet.
stress can do it but upbringing is usually more of a cause.
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