marry a guy just because he made me cum 32 times in one session +5
Look beyond a pretty face and body to make sure there is something more there.
Not to ask someone for confidential information about their best friend and expect it to be a secret.
Stick a butter knife in a plugged in toaster...hey my bagel was stuck:) I will never do it again though, but I have been married twice:):)LOL:P
CelifrogDid you get electrocuted?
Never marry someone just because of how they look.
I've learned not to handle jalapeno peppers and scratch my butt or anything else in that neighborhood. Aye yi yi yi!
I will never sleep under a tree at night again!
... flame pretty ... but hot ... do not touch ...
Pretty boy rock musicians do not make good boyfriend material.
Never leave the place before making damn sure the stove is turned off, fridge door is shut, all doors and windows are locked down, and I have the key!
getting married!
Stay the heck away from manipulative moochy fake friends! :/ I now realize why I went years without having friends, I always fall into the same 'trap' and then run away.
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