• They can't find anyone to relate to.
  • They don't like it when the are thought as just the smart person,and nothing more. That would make anyone unhappy.
  • because they can see the shit in life unlike dumb people plus smart people arnt that like able. since know one has to deal with a smart ass.
  • I'm not sure that is true. I am sure that stupid people are likely fairly happy. No brains, no pains.
  • Being intelligent or not intelligent has little or no effect on your happiness. Psychologist have backed this up with many experiments. Check out this for more info
  • I am happy and I know I am not stupid. At least I never thought so.
  • cuz you guys have too much sh** on your minds
  • I don't think I am unintelligent and I'm pretty happy????? Or maybe dumb is like crazy and I just don't know I'm dumb LOL
  • We aren't unhappy. We're just really good at pretending you're unhappy. So while you're all distracted thinking we're unhappy, we are taking over the world.
  • ?? I think the stupid people (like my sister) who drop out of high school and work minimum wage all their life are the ones that are unhappy. And yes, if you dropped out of high school within the past decade then your not very intelligent.
  • Awareness is just not a good thing at times and you can't switch it off least not if you are intelligent enough to be aware of things ;-) Good question...
  • Sick and tired of being surrounded by riffraff.
  • I don't know if they are actually unhappy or just made happy by different things than most.
  • Because they already know what will happen, and it's usually bad!
  • well mabye cuz they can see the bloodpools and garbage behind what others see as a beautiful wall of paradise and lovelyness..of colors and rainbows... and bunnies... and little cute puppies.. aww... sorry got a little off there..
  • It's called existential depression. Read about it, it's apparently more common in those with a higher IQ.
  • I'm happy.
  • because ignorance is bliss. Without intelligence, you can't be aware of your unhappiness.
  • Intelligence doesn't come in a package with coping mechanisms. You get too much information before You mature to deal with it emotionally.
  • Dumb people depress us .
  • ur assuming alot here
  • I don't know, I'm happy.
  • we think too much +5
  • Solomon, one of the wisest men who ever lived summed it up like this: "I thought to myself, "Look, I have grown and increased in wisdom more than anyone who has ruled over Jerusalem before me; I have experienced much of wisdom and knowledge." Then I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom, and also of madness and folly, but I learned that this, too, is a chasing after the wind. For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief" (Ecclesiastes 1:16-18). The old adage, "ignorance is bliss," I believe is derived from Solomon's statement. --- With the increase of knowledge comes the increase of responsibility to responsibly use what you know. (Thus you are paid more and elevated to higher positions of responsibility with the more advanced degrees that you hold-- the belief is that with your advanced education, you are more knowledgable and better equipped to handle greater tasks and decisions.) Often with the increase of knowledge, you become more aware of the evils involved. The world can be a scary place and the more you are acquainted with it, the more evils you are likely to encounter. Likewise, there is a simplicity of not knowing the intricacies involved with that which composes the situation.
  • I'm not unhappy, nor is any other intelligent person I know. Well, I take that back. A friend of mine who is very smart is, but that's due to the experiences he had growing up, rather than his intelligence. But, smart people who ARE unhappy, are usually so because being surrounded by a society that idolizes idiocy and mediocrity, and demonizes intelligence will do that to you.
  • Unhappiness comes from being depressed. People can be depressed from the outside, or supres their basic needs themselves using their brain. The latter to postpone food, sex, anger etc. shortly, separating the civilised from the uncivilised. Very intelligent people can choose to postpone forever as an easy way of life, frustrating themselves in the process. On the other hand, they are better seeing things in perspective. So they laugh less, but also cry less. Since we often laugh in public but cry in private, they might appear unhappy compared to others.
  • They think too much. Ignorance really IS bliss.
  • Isn't this a bit of a myth? Has anyone actually looked at the relationship between IQ and quality of life? I suspect intelligent people might be quite good at finding ways to make themselves happier...
  • I would define an intelligent person as one who has found a way to be happy.
  • Im not unhappy
  • Because it's frustrating being surrounded by idiots.
  • There's no denial within their minds ... Perhaps they see what the others block and don't want to see merely to live for themselves today only, thus making the intelligent unhappy ... Having the anwsers for the negative actions of those many who don't hear, is somewhat frustrating. Peace
  • They truly see the beauty of the world and wish everyone else would before the pary is over, instead we run around like fools getting drunk shoting guns and intentionally hurting one another dreaming of nothing but money and power. If only they knew power was understanding. Personally, I'd rather be unhappy and alone that an undomesticated peice of dkl;shfj
  • The answer is simple, . The less intelligent people have less capacity to delve deep into paradoxical thought patterns. . The intelligent people understand the world more. They poses the ability to crunch data about something until they achieve a singularity. . Where as the dumb people cant even go that deep. All they thing deeply about is talk shows and american idol. . The smart people wll realise their situation. If it is good they will be like "everything is operating within limits and in the green" So not over the moon about things and not lost in a dizzy happiness just cos things are going good. . However, when things are bad they are still thinking into that singularity, they begin to notice how bad things are cos they fixate on things untill they get the singularity of thought and it reaches a point at which there is no more to understand. . They have just hit rock bottom and they know it. . Where as the dumb person will be oblivious as to how bad things actually are or more likely to just turn on the tv and forget about the troubles and dont fixate on them. . Now, the really smart people, will be aware of all these pit falls and operate in a way that they are both immune to them by choosing with the logical mind how to effectivle use their feelings. . In other words they will use logical processes to controll feeling before the feelings control them. . That is the key to everything
  • They're not - the MOST intelligent people realise life is short, and that you can choose to be happy, even if things are never perfect :)
  • That's a tricky question anyway I like to manage and answer it. Why are most intelligent people unhappy? Because every intelligent person or people always faces more defeats [99%] than success [01%] and by the time the achievement is noticed he is almost in the state that he could not even have time to rejoice over it. So naturally it is the defeats that makes him feel lonely and unwanted further to that isolation is always required for this kinda intelligent people. Now we come in full circle of his life and find out that many joyous things are missed from his life span leaving only the despair and hatred deep within himself. If you think that I have answered it quite intelligently then you better think that I am the kinda intelligent person who is always happy here. Bingo Whoa. Lovingly Maggge.
  • That im intelligent but happy
  • Intelligence and happiness are not functions of each other. Truly happy people can be found at every intelligence level, and at every point in society. Usually, they are people who have realistic expectations and who have decided to be happy despite circumstances; those who have strived for, and attained balance in their lives.
  • Ignorance isn't bliss for nothing. Have you observed the behaviour of people? ;)
  • The less you know the happier you are, ignorance is a bless.
  • I can only speak for myself. I have a very high IQ, but am socially a moron. It would have been better if I had not been born. +5
  • Cause we're surrounded by idiots all the time LOL +3
  • When you are intelligent you don't accept things at first glance,you analyse and over analyse until you get to the bottom of things. and then when you find the truth which is usually harming you'll feel unhappy. When you are intelligent and quick-witted you are realistic,there is no room for illusions and lies in your life.
  • I do not believe that is a true statement. I have met intelligent people of many moods. I have also met not so intelligent people who are unhappy.
  • Common misconception. Most intelligent people are introverts. We live in our heads and are usually given the label 'antisocial' or 'depressed'. Or at least that's the case for the 2.9 intelligent people I know of.
  • That's crazy. That's like saying ....well, i cant think of what it's like saying, but it's not true. Intelligence produces tolerance and gratification in the beauty of knowledge, how could that make anyone unhappy?
  • Is this all that I am? is there nothing more? my thoughts and expressions are subjective to whom I know

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