"holy crap!" and then i'd run.
catch it and take it to the woods
Personaly i would kill all deadly animals on the planet.
Nothing. We have several garter snakes living on the property around my house. I see one almost daily. Doesnt affect me one bit.
Firin' up the grill. :-)
Dang! Another lawyer in the neighborhood.
depends garter snakes are our friend.. now if was poisonous i would call in my back up who has promised to protect me from snakes.
I have some snakes in my yard, my dog loves to hunt them down.
Normal day
Pull out my shotgun, it's the only way to deal with Republicans
I would think nothing of it. Snakes are common around here, I just hope that they can hide from the dogs.
Happens all the time...just another sex offender going about his daily routine.
I'd say "I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking neighborhood!"
Well, I could tell immediately if it was a dangerous, poisonous snake or not. There are only two that could be dangerous in my least on land. The rattlesnake or the copperhead. Both are easily recognized. There are many large snakes that are very harmless, fact, very they are mouse and other pest catchers. If it was a poisonous snake, I would simply kill it. Can't have nasty snakes crawling about the neighborhood. If I knew it was one of the benign ones, I would do nothing. I might inform local kids not to kill it as it was a "friend".
It's summer again... I'd keep my dog out of the long grass.
Damn neighbors snake got out again.
If it's a cooperhead...get the gun! Where there's one snake; there's more baby snakes.
I would first try to identify the snake and then iwould try to catch it.
I would make sure that he was out of harms way and move him from the location if needed.
A snake, its either the mom or one of the kids... +4
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