Whatever I am hungry for. I do most of the cooking when everyone is here anyway.
Hamburgers, pancakes, baked potatoes, beans for the simple things. I can also make casseroles, cakes, pies, several kinds and types of potatoes recipes, etc.
chili-mac - total comfort food
Whatever I am in the mood for. I love to cook so it could be just about anything.
Brinner.... I LOVE having breakfast for dinner. I have a hard time getting away with it when cooking for my family, so I only get to have it when it's just me.
Well, I look in my fridge, and my cupboard then try to figure something out. Being as I live alone I am pretty much always on my own. I love to cook for me!
Whatever strikes my fancy.
A regular meal with meat and vegetables.
I do and can, but I'm not the best cook.
Any damn thing I want as long as it's on the grill
I really don't cook when all on my own, but take a break from it. I'll have cereal or salad or a Lean Cusine meal or something like that.
Egg bacon and cheese sandwich.....I'm always glad to only cook for me, usually I have to think what other people would want to eat. Just a egg sandwhich is nice for a change.
I cook my old wishes and unfulfilled dreams in my loneliness!
Fond of cooking so it can be anything i wish to have...but when I feel lazy its always Maggi Noodles.
Readymade Maggie Noodles!
Loads of chicken.
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