Anything intelligent.
Looks don't matter.
"I have brains and I'm an alcoholic"
"I'm saving myself for marriage"
"Honey, I'm home."
I joined Mensa
You fans/cameras/papparizi go away! I'm trying to have some privacy here...
Paper or plastic?
"Having spent many hours trying to reconcile relativity and quantum physics, I have finally succeeded."
'So, where do you say the lingerie section is? Do you have any of those Bridget Jones knickers, the big ones? I just feel I need a bit more support down there, you know what I mean?'
I want to be a nun!
"Yes, you're right...I should go away and never be heard from again."
I'm looking for a real job!
I *DONT* want it in the butt tonight
I'm sorry, let me stop what I'm doing and help you care for your handicapped orphans with aids.
I bought this outfit at K-mart!
"I'd like to thank the Academy......"
thats cold :) - :)
"I would like to donate this money to children in a third world country."
We can get that cheaper at Wal-mart
The market capitalization of my father's company far exceeds its actual book value.
The square root of pi = 1.77245385.
does my IQ make me look fat?
Wish I could be with Buzz123456
I think I'll do something smart today!
"y=mx+b would be the equation of a line. although, y=a(x-h)2+k is the equation of a parabola. Unless you have yet to complete the square... Then you have to......."
I'm gonna donate half my money to charity of someone elses choice
I can't fit it in a vagina.
An angle bisector cuts an angle in half, ergo, splitting a 90 degree angle into 2 equal 45 degree halves...that's hot. I don't think we would ever hear her say this. If we do, either the world is ending or she had sex with a really smart math teacher.
Please don't take my photo ...
I'm wearing underpants today ...
I am broke? Wonder what happen to my money?
her entire alphabet. took me forever to think one of these up, cuz everyone already took the really good ones.
I want to marry you and spend rest of my life with you Null Pointer. :>)
Now is all there is.
"Congratulations, fellow graduates of Yale. As your Valedictorian..."
"I vow to be faithful to this man..."
Im broke.
I have nowhere to stay ...
Do you want fries with that?
"Let's go bargain shopping"! "I just love a good sale"!!
Let's stay in all week sweetie. partying is so obscene.
2 + 2 = 4 or Ghandi once said...
I have mended my ways and will now act like a normal person. And go away.
wanna have some fun big boy? (directed at me)
Oh I won't do that, its too dirty!
a sentence that doesnt include the word sexy in it
Sometime really deep/insightful or technical.
"Here, Let me hold that door for you little old lady"
I think...
I hate my daddy and wish I had been born to a poor family
i kicked kat tarrins ass. (and have it be true)
Next week I will be flying to Norway to pick up my Nobel Prize in Physics.
It was an accident
i'm a man
Are those condoms past the expiration date?
I think it's incredibly unfair for me to just waltz through life on my grand daddys money. No one needs a $2000 handbag and I'm sick and tired of going to party after party with that annoying teeny dog in my overpriced purse. I've had enough of this easy life. Tomorrow I'm cutting myself off and applying for a job at Mcds, I'm too skinny anyway I need to gain weight. I'm also claiming secondary virginity :)
im ugly and broke.noone wants to bang me
"That's hot..." I don't think I've EVER heard her say that.
Who should I donate 1 million dollars to today?
Honestly I'm not a slut
Something smart
No, I will not strip for 1,000,000,000 dollars
"that's not hot"
I'm a virgin or those are too expensive.
"No don't stick it there"
-im going to go earn my own money -thats ugly -im not spoiled
I'm donating my body to medical science. And I'm a virgin.
"No I don't want to be in your movie and by the way stop taking my picture."
I don't need all this money.
I am still a virgin and have never been filmed naked!!
It's cold.
"I wish I'd been born poor! This being all rich thing is getting me down!"
I'm so smart.
There's a lot of great garage sales this weekend!
"Thats cold" and "Thats too expensive"
"I can't afford it"
I want to take full responsibility for my actions. and The 99 cent store is HOTTTT!
No, I won't have sex with you.
'No iam not interested in you'
I d like to give him a piece of my mind. don t do it Paris ,you have little enough for yourself as it is.
I'm broke!
Wanna play chess?
I have seen the error in my ways.
OMG this outfit is way to slutty!
She'll never quote Plato.... "Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue."
Anything after seeing her mouth full on one of her homemade videos !!!
That she's a member of MENSA
Do you want fries with that?
Anything that makes sense.
I an a man
"i do"
In about three weeks: "I've only had a couple. I'll be alright to drive home."
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