No..but I did years ago :D
Surely you mean a pool cue?? And the answer would be no
I used to have one when there was a large facility nearby in Virginia Beach. Haven't shot a game in years, though, so I got rid of it. ~~sigh~~
No I don't, and that is not a bad thing. I totally suck at pool.
yes I do and have owned a few. It is not a stick it is properly Called a Cue and pool is a place you swim, not a Billiard Table. Originaly a French Parlor Game for females in France. Hope this helps you, not being a smart ass even though I am! lol +6
Yes, and I'm planning on making a fellow Ab'r pay off some embarrassing bets when I run the table with it.
No, but when I was a kid I did, my parents had a pool take and Jukebox.
..yes ma'am I do....and I have my own darts too....when I spent way to much time in bout you??
No i dont know how to play pool for a start.
Yes, and a table and the balls o go with it!
Yes, a 19 oz. Saber brand with cherrywood finish, case and a sandpaper thingy for the tip. Also have a couple of spare tips and my own chalk. I can't stoop over anymore to play...know someone that wants to buy it? lol
I own a cue , but have not used it in years
No pool stick. I must have an eight ball, because I am always behind it.
Yep, and I can usually kick butt. Have my ups and downs though too.
Not anymore ... I used to when I owned the club in Ohio ... and we had pool tables ..
Hey Nunya. No need for points for this answer since I already answered. I tried to comment but for some reason the comment wouldn't go through. Anyway, here is what she will have to do when I win on my table with my pool cue: 1)Dress like a pink bunny rabbit for Easter 2)Garden and rake leaves for six months 3)Dress as a French maid and clean my house 4)Get a tattoo with my name on it 5)Wear a dress of my choice with sexy underwear and high heels. I have to pay for dinner though...must have been in a good mood when I made this bet:) 6)Paint all of her toenails and fingernails 20 different colors and keep it that way until it wears off. 7)Dress as Mrs. Santa Claus (skimpy oufit)and go shopping for Christmas Eve dinner with me. 8)Shovel my house and office during the winter season 9)Dress as a witch (not at Halloween) and go to dinner with me. 10)Wear men's boxer underwear for a month These bets are not all definite, so if you have any other good ideas, please let me know
I own several pool sticks and have a table in the basement. I play in APA pool league every Thursday. Check out my blog.
I haven'e got a cue
yes i have a few cues lol
I own three sticks. One is a very old snooker cue, the other a cheap billiards stick, and my favorite is a Lucasi (I'm thinking of adding an OB1 shaft one day).
I don't see the point of having one, since I don't have a pool table.
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