• kinky!!!
  • If that's what trips your trigger, go for it.
  • Well I personally find it weird, I wouldn't let my boyfriend do that for me...I guess I would if for some reason I couldn't like if both my arms were broke or something. But if it works for you and your each his own!
  • It is but, asking for opinion on such matter is not normal of course.
  • Although it might sound weird to others, if both of you enjoy, you should! Maybe not tell everyone about it, as some might find it strange. I, personally, hope you guys have a good time!
  • thats gross
  • I've never heard of anybody doing that. So yes, that makes that weird, lol.
  • Good deed... Seemingly you are inventing a new professıon for which I am to fill an application for candidacy!
  • Since you asked, yeah I'd have to say it is weird.
  • It's funny. I ask an honest question about something important or relevant and I get no answers or points from you answerbagers. But the minute I confess to inserting my girlfriends tampons or dealing with naked pictures of an ex I get nothing but responses and ratings. Let me go into further detail about this tampon situation because I do not think for a minute it is that weird. Here is how it all started. My girlfriend suggest that since she is on her period it would be cool to do it because I could go inside her and she would not get prego. I'm like well okay because A: I really wanted to do it and B: Most chicks will not let you go inside them (at least the ones I know who are not catholic and not with me). I was really nervous at first because being brought up in today's society I did not know how to handle a woman's menstrual cycle. But after the deed was done (I do not recommend this for non monogamous couples because I'm sure it would be easy to spread STD's dealing with vaginal blood and all) I was covered in lets say more than a little blood. After her being so kind as to clean me off I realized that this was not so bad. It was not really gross at all. It didn't stink or nothing. It was just a few tablespoons full of blood. A few tablespoons of blood from the significant other never hurt anyone in my experience. So I got a bit curious and said "hey since we are on the subject, why don't I insert that there tampon for you." She was like "whatever...nobody has ever done that before." And I was like "even better." Let me tell you fellas it's got to go in at an angle. You cant just push the thing right in. It does not work that way. I guess I make myself out to be a bit of a redneck but I tell you it was a wonderful experience for me. I am no longer afraid or timid when trying to understand my girlfriends cycle. It is right there for me and I share her pain a little bit and I take care of her. It really is not so gross and I am not saying anyone should do the same but it really is not that big of a deal. Although seeing the endometrium the first time was a little weird and if you dont know what that can figure it out.
  • Whatever floats your boat, dude.
  • That's freakish and disgusting. Just my honest opinion.
  • done it, if the girls OK with it, messing around can make some wicked orgasms
  • Not normal per say - as I don't think a lot of people do it - having said that it dosn't sound that bad and I don't consider it wierd - just natural, so why not make the most of it. I think men avoid stuff like that so its funny to see someone who dosn't mind. Enjoy :)
  • Whats normal for one person is not for the other. For you two, its normal, as long as your both happy with it.
  • Not normal in this house, but sounds like the two of you may fit well togather. No pun, okay maybe a little one. People seem overly worried about normal. Can't see where anyone else would much care but I would not go around sharing this.
  • It's your thing. Do what you wanna do. I can't tell you who to sock it to.
  • I do not think this weird since you explained,I am glad to hear you know about inserting at an angle. I have done just the opposite, removed my girl's tampon so we could have sex,and we do not find this weird. However we usually shower after.
  • I would say some things are better to remain private. It's nice to be close to your girlfriend but that seems just a little to close for comfort. Although, Each to their own.
  • Yuck!! Something that is alot more wierd is that you actually do it.
  • Its good that you are so close with your girlfriend. Is it weird? Yes, but it shouldn't give anyone any harm. Just don2t go aroudn telling that to others. ;)
  • i find it too be very weird. do you enjoy doing it?
  • hahaha thats so distrubing! why would you inform us of thissss keep that shit to yourself dude haha
  • contrary to popular opinion here, I think its its very intimate and trusting of your gf. I don't think its weird at all. Most women have a hightened sexual arousal during their period. It may feel a bit sexally arousing to your gf which is fine. Its no more weird than a man assisting his woman during childbirth and helping the baby come out of the vagina.
  • I think it's pretty f*ck*d up myself, but guess what I do it too. I thought me and my fiance was the only people that did that! Glad to meet you! +3
  • Thats funny and a bit gross.
  • yeah its weird! most women dont want you to even look at them when there on there period, let alone handling something very private.
  • That is fucking disgusting.....
  • pretty weird
  • Yes it's weird, no it is not normal. That doesn't mean its "wrong" or anything though. Just exceptionally rare - many males and females would freak at the idea of that.
  • As long as you two are happy, I'm happy for you. Excuse me, I have to throw up about something else now. After rereading this question, I really think it's groovy that you're so cool with your girl's vagina and all it's functions. Rock on, brother. I still want to flail around and scream and giggle and say "ewww!" about it. But you are still cool.
  • Normal? - What is normal anymore...It's probably one of those personal things that should remain just that....personal.
  • No, this is not normal. It's gross and weird.
  • Do you wipe each others asses after a crap too? Grow up.
  • I don't believe you. I reckon you're just trying to gross out everyone ! +pts for succeeding.

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