• I know that they could do if they wanted to, but I don't think they are reading mine, not much point.
  • I don't think the government is reading my email, but I know for a fact that Google's servers are!
  • They have the capacity to. I would be surprised if they had the time to read mine, as I am not anybody special. If they do I think they might find it rather boring.
  • If they can then they are, but they clearly have too much free time in that case
  • Probably.
  • I think they can but they would get really bored if they r reading mine
  • I have nothing to hide so let them read. I am in charge of reviewing emails at my place of work, trust me it gets old very fast. I wouldnt sweat the gov't for reading emails. they most likely read emails of very suspicious people.
  • They will be very bored if they read mine LOL
  • they can but they wud collapse from laughing too much as my email are mostly jokes.
  • I can tell you for a fact they could if they wanted to. With a warrant, they could retrieve all of your information... web history, downloads, email etc from your ISP.
  • No ! if they were ... they would be paranoid as possible ...
  • No ! If they were ... I would be in trouble for the most and biggest anti government slurs ...
  • I doubt it. But I'm sure they have filters for specific words or topics in some of the Government departments that deal with National Security Issues.
  • Probably. I suspected that all online activity is being monitored.
  • Not mine, but some people's. (Aust)
  • I seriously doubt it, I don't even read my email. I get so much junkmail that I don't bother looking at it except maybe once a month when I have 4000 emails to get rid of. But if they are then they are truly making poor use of their time.
  • i dont think there would b a point, because all my emails are either from myspace or AB. LOLL Hey how do we know george bush isnt on AB? he could be .. ANY ONE OF US! AHHHHHHHHHHHh Ok a little dramatracic. sorry i dont know how to spell that word
  • No, but they are very welcome to read Mondays ,I got 157 copies of the same email about a very boring answer from AB
  • they may be reading some of certani people they have to keep an eye on - such as criminals - but there would never be enough time and people - and there are more important things to be reading evry1s mail :) :)
  • No. I doubt that they have that much time to waste
  • I would hope that they have better things to do with our tax money than check up which particular Nigerian dignitry thinks I'm worthy of respect and whether I've taken up that 10% off viagra offer yet.
  • maybe i could get them to delete all of my spam for me. hey anyone want a authenic replica viagra watch and hair growing formula
  • Yes that is why the DMV employs so many people but is still so inefficient, those extra people are actually in the DMV basement reading your emails.
  • I know for a fact that they read mine... but, of course, I do work for them... so I guess they are entitled to see what I'm doing with my government email address! :)
  • I'm not that interesting or paranoid either one. No, I highly doubt it.
  • I really doubt that the government is reading my email. Do you realize how much email gets sent every day? Even if every government employee was put on the job, I doubt that they could read every single email that is sent, let alone do all of the other things that the government has to do. ************** "The Trotskyist Pantaloons: Yes, but perhaps there is something about your emails that draws their attention." I very much doubt it. There is nothing even potentially subversive about the contents of my email. ************** "I agree with Glenn :-) We are bit paranoid these days... However, it could be possible at some point emails get scanned very quickly looking for key words that would flag them as an email of interest." Actually, if I remember correctly, the Clinton administration instituted a program to do just that.
  • I highly doubt it, besides it's not like there is anything in my e-mails that could be considered concerns for national security.
  • I certainly hope not! I'd hate for them to find out about the Richard Simmons Dissent conspiracy.
  • I think they might be, so I try and make them more interesting in case they are. Don't you thing the London Eye in London is da bomb. Yeah man it's well fired up.
  • i wouldnt put it past them, but if they are, it just shows the lack of concern to the bigger matters like the war, or the homeless, etc.
  • no- that is invasion of privacy, plus,the gov't cant keep track of the thousands of emails sent every day.
  • Yes, absolutely
  • I do believe some governments are monitoring emails in an automated way, looking for key words. The ones that raise flags might be getting read. But more people who have sensitive things to say are not sending these messages in the clear (in other words, they're encrypting them).
  • I wouldn't be surprised if it was being scanned on some level, but I doubt the algorithms used to asses threat would have kicked any of my emails up to the level where a human is actually reading.
  • Government has no time to peep into private matters of persons. But there are provisions where emails can be read or traced. For example during an enquiry. the email is traced read . the system from where it was sent its IP is known. then the system is traced. nad finally going to the systems history. the time when the mail was sent can be obtained. finally after some enquiry the person who was on the system for that period can be traced. But its a prolonged process . its not followed untill and unless the mail is of national or international impotance.
  • no, I would feel sorry for them if they did...they wouldn't find it too interesting...although some of the jokes that come through are great. :-)
  • Knowing what Bush is doing with our phone lines(tapping into them secretly), I wouldn't be surprised if the FBI is going through all of our emails. They go through internet sites, seeing if there are any personal threats against Bush(they arrested one girl because she was joking about it, so that proves that they do moniter what we do).
  • I have not reached the state of paranoia that would make me think that out of 300,000,000 people they are watching ME.
  • I would think that if they are investigating someone already that they would read their emails but other than that I doubt it. Even so credit reports and credit card/debit card records would be a better source of information.
  • There is no point in it reading my email as most of it is a load of rubbish - so i do not really care if it is or isn't. However, I think the government has better things to do than read emails, its meant to run the country, and it really isn't that great at doing that. I suppose reading emails could be an excuse they might give.
  • First of all, All of the paranoid people out there. Look at how the internet works, All traffic isn't routed through some central location, The internet is decentralized, Theres no way someone could tap ALL connections, without tapping all the ISPs. Your ISP being tapped by the NSA is about the only thing that they could be using to 'read' your email. If you have something you need to hide, Use a WAP and common sense, or use encryption and common sense.
  • If they are, they're going to need some pretty strong coffee to stay awake. Lately it's been quite boring. <yaaaawn>
  • george bush, taliban, plot, dirty bomb....they are now
  • I have nothing in there except a bunch of unread school newsletters, and e-mails to grandma.
  • and they have hidden cameras in our you have any idea the number of emails that get sent each hour, let alone each day. To employ people to sit around reading them would be impossible. THe only countries it can happen in are those with one satellite and one major carrier. IT could never happen in the developed world.
  • I really don't mind. My inbox is full of spam anyway. Be my guest.
  • It would only be a random glance. And they wouldn't find anything of interest, anyway. I don't even concern myself. Hell, I used to work for them. I was uniformed, but I know the proceedure. They are looking for much bigger, dangerous fish. I would even help find them.
  • I think they got bored with those and headed over to the photo section :)
  • Most times people just email me to ask me if I'm free for coffee. If the government is monitoring my caffeine intake, my inbox is a treasure trove! If not, then it's just a... um... boring trove.
  • Yeah! but my shrink assures me that they aren't. Please there are billions of individual pieces of mail processed each day. What do they want with my mail or yours for that matter. If you suspect they are then maybe they have a reason? Only you can answer that.
  • Not at home but within the Local Area Network in the Federal Gov't. There are people who's job is do this on a daily basis -- Monitoring for any suspicious activity
  • Maybe if its suspicious enough to do so.......M.C.S.
  • reading no, scanning for keywords, yes.
  • Of course! I think the government is HORRIBLY interested in what my nieces are doing at their grandma's house and what my girlfriend and I are doing for Thanksgiving....
  • Uh oh...Busted...
  • I doubt it but if they are they're sure to be bored to death.
  • Probably. I had some people in the US tapping into my laptop for over a month - I gave up trying to stop them - perhaps it was due to the political websites I have been on.
  • I did a 23 page paper called "The Surveilance Society." In doing my research I found that the government has technology for phone calls and email that pick up key words such as "bomb" "kill president" "terrorism" etc. There is monitoring of certain groups or individuals that use these keywords a lot in calls or email. They obviously can't monitor everyone but the technology is there.
  • If they are then they're really bored.
  • I don't know. Do I care? Not in the least.
  • I don't think so nor do I care. They'd have to be pretty bored to read mine.
  • If you are someone special... an icon, a celebrity or a political figure and you are in spotlight, they may go through your email and I don't mind if government is spying on you. If you do not belong to any of the group stated above, but still you think that government is reading your e-mails that's unfair and I do not believe that. Just in case, if government is really appointing someone to do this job, my question would be, do WE the TAXPAYERS, pay taxes to pay someone who goes through a random individual's personal emails wasting public fund???
  • it is too unlikely they are reading our would take too much man power...and if you are planning something...i seriously doubt you would say so in an would use minute phones and stuff....
  • Not at all *rolls eyes* Carnivore shut down a long time ago. ;-)
  • yes they like to watch us any way they can hello!!!
  • No, they have computers doing it. They only read the flagged ones.
  • They would have a filter go through all your e-mails, and if they find a bad word, then they'll read it.
  • If they were, they would probably get bored fast. I don't do much emailing that is interesting to anyone but me!
  • Do me a favor Cousin Vinny. We're neighbors I live in Northeast Philly. If I ever become so paranoid that I begin to suspect the government is reading my e mails ask me for my address them come over with a shotgun and blow my brains out for me. If I become so paranopid that I believe the government is watching my every move then life as I know it is no longer worth living.
  • Hi George.....Pick a Finger!!!!
  • It would sure bore them , with all the Junk Mail
  • If they are, then they are VERY bored I'm sure
  • No. Not at <george bush is great> all. They would have <there are WMD's> no reason to...<our economy is fine>
  • If they are, they have found out that I need a bigger penis, I should apply for a government grant, my Charter Cable bill is due, I have a lot of friends who send me silly and amusing email forwards, I belong to the Columbia House TV club and the Disney Movie Club, I have a Zooba account, I have a life insurance policy for each of my son's children, I am e-filing my income taxes, someone wants to date me on some dating sites, I should apply for a credit card. Have I left anything out? Well, now everyone who reads this will know what I'm up to, so they can just stop monitoring me now. I'm much too boring to the government, I hope.
  • The Government does monitor emails and online activity.
  • Well, they do moniter, they dont have people at computers reading emails. But there are keywords that will flag your mail. I am one of the few unlucky bastards to be on the FBI watch-list for some black-hat ("malicious" hacking) stuff i did, it wasnt big, i just made it look like a particular local office officials contributions all came from Al Queda members. MY email is 100% monitored, so dont email me anything illegal lol.
  • If they are, the person assigned to me is horribly bored... Text messages on the other hand can get interesting lol...
  • No, but I'm almost positive they're reading my blog.
  • Let the perverts read it if they want.
  • I couldn't care less.
  • yeah i think they want to know everything about us
  • I hope they find it more exciting than I do.
  • oh i hope so
  • Unlikely, I think they do read ones that have flag words tho, but I don't use many in daily conversation
  • Not probably reading them. But all Emails probably are run through a filter program that looks for keywords like BOMB or ASSASINATE......... Ooops! Gotta go!!!!
  • I really dont think they do, mainly because it is theoretically impossible to read every single e-mail that gets sent every day, every e-mail sent in 1 hour must outnumber how many people work in the goverment anyway. So no, out of 6.5billion people living on the earth today, i dont think the goverment care about my emails.
  • Having worked for the Government, I know full well they don't take the time to read their OWN email, much less anyone else's. ^_^
  • No, I don't think so. It would be a waste of time. Sometimes it's a waste of time even when I myself do it.
  • I wouldn't doubt that messages that travel through the internets are scanned in some way, but there is nothing suspicious in my emails, so I highly doubt it's being read by the government,
  • They probably are. I bet all my penis enlargement emails are really supposed to be going to top government officals!
  • NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice,and certainly without probable cause. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have no recourse or protection save to call for the impeachment of the current "President."
  • I hate to know what all the government is doing!
  • I certainly hope not because of all the stuff I talk about on-line that's not exactly kosher. Like when I was discussing things with my good friend Osama. Wait a sec... there's someone at the door... BRB...
  • HELL yeah...cause in our school the mouse was moving by itself and it went to our teachers email. it was not the school trust me they dont have the money!!
  • If it goes into outer space, Santa Clause can read our emails. once the signal hits a satelitte, its open season for anyone to read what we print. Be careful.
  • Reading? Probably not, saving? Yes. A former worker at AT&T admitted helping set up a room that literally filers ALL content and saves it to a server at their headquarters. They aren't watching what you're doing in real time, but they are saving it to be filtered, and read later. Not to say they are saving all the websites and images, rather they are saving the ip addresses of all the websites you visit. (source above, includes more, credible sources)
  • Yes, they are reading mine.
  • The sheer volume of employees it would take to read all of our emails, with specific code words being flagged or not, would be tremendous. Have you ever ran across someone who said that they read private emails for the government? I haven't. If they did, they wouldn't have to set up "sting sites" (fake sites to fish out people) just to catch evil child pornographers. I do, however, believe that there are certain websites (such as,, or that will flag a user as a threat to national security. They probably put spyware on users' computers when you visit certain sites and watch you for a little while to see what you are up to.

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