• It's a matter of personal opinion
  • The kid seems to be the real deal! I also think his version of "Ring of Fire" was very good.
  • I loved it, and I have loved most of his performances, he is going to be big....
  • I think he has a lot of talent and will either win or be in final two. Think he has a few different ways he can go as far as a music career goes. But we'll definately see more of him now that he's gotten this exposure / this chance. Last night, he showed he can "hold the power in" if he wants to .. just as he can belt it out .. and can go off the scale in range. He's doing great so far. :)
  • maybe you should ask what people think of the fact that you watched it more than 30 times today.
  • Well, I wouldn't have watched that quite so many times, but I think Adam is the best performer this season. I'd be very surprised if he didn't win.
  • I loved his performance of Mad World also, but my favorite so far is Tracks of my tears, that was mind blowing. He is really hot, I agree.

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