• I'm not familiar with Nazi propaganda, but I think they might have had a tougher time if the German people had been resisting instead of enlisting.
  • Without the genius of Goebbels or someone as good as him, I do not think that the Holocaust would have been pulled off as easily... if at all. In order to pull this off, the targets had to become inhuman. You cannot do to anyone what was done to the targets of the Holocaust if you think that they are human. I have seen the old propaganda films. There are some on youtube and other places today but, back in the 80's, I had many videotapes of them. Included in my study of the Holocaust was a need to understand both sides and understand how it was pulled off. I do not think that an issue can be fully comprehended without understanding both sides. I can tell you from having seen these things that, although rudimentary compared to today's propaganda films, they were very effective. These films used subliminal messaging, lighting, and much more to do their job. Some of them were children's cartoons. The propaganda machine produced pro Nazi films to pump up the general populace as well as films to demonize and dehumanize the targets. They used things like underlighting the targeted people and interspersing footage of rats scurrying down drains with shots of the targeted people. Considering how new motion picture technology was, this has to be amongst the first use of motion picture brainwashing... if not the first. The lion's share of the films demonized the Jews, then came us, the Gypsies, and the mentally handicapped. I do not remember whether the Gypsies or the mentally handicapped came next in volume compared to the Jews. The vast majority of the non-Jewish German populace did not know about the Holocaust, even the ones who lived close enough to a camp to have ash occasionally drop on them from the crematoriums. I believe that one of the reasons people managed to avoid the obvious signs of the Holocaust, such as the ashes and vanishing of the targeted people, is this propaganda. The targeted people were subhuman to most Germans (not all... some non-Jewish Germans risked their lives to safe house Jews), they were brainwashed to accept anything told to them by the government, and, thus, such things were not noticed.
  • At that time, the radio was starting to be used to transfer news. People were a lot more receptive to this new marketing and without the propaganda it wouldn't have got anywhere near as far.

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