• Hm... I met him in July of '05... we started "courting" in February of '06. Hand holding and hugging would have been Feb/March-ish. Our first kiss was June 6th 2006. We got married July 7th, 2007.
  • It was probably 9-10 months before we held hands. Over a year before we kissed. But I was very young and didn't want to 'heat things up' too much, too soon as we were both intent on waiting before we were married to have sex. So we took it slow.
  • that night
  • Awhile before that needed to know him and took it slow. I did not want to rush things. Actually we were friends first. A great place to start.
  • a couple of hours
  • about a year, he was my best friends husbands friend, so we knew each other for ages before we actually went out together.
  • About 8 hours. Most of the time was spent golfing and then dinner. Kissed, hugged and held her hand when I drpped her off at he car.
  • YEARS ago....and it was probably 4 hours. He asked if he could "kiss my face." LMAO! +5
  • My wife and I held hands the first time we met alone, not a date. We had met previously in the week before but hated each other, later that week we ran into each other at a mutual friends house and decided to go for a drive in my car, We both wanted to get laid and we were both sluts. When we went for a drive we talked and got to know each other and were holding hands by the end of the drive. We hugged after the drive. We talked later on in the relationship and agreed we both felt like we had met "The One" that night. Then we went on a date a couple of days later and and held hands and hugged many times that night at the county fair. The second actual date is when we kissed. By the third date we were back at my place and in bed. We never slept or did anything with anyone else after that first drive. 9 years later we are stronger than ever and have 5 kids the last being twins.

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