• Ear Redness WHEN TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR * The redness does not diminish after 24 hours. * A sharp blow to your ear causes it to swell and turn red. * You have an infected sore that is larger than 1/2 inch in diameter. * The redness follows frostbite. What Your Symptom Is Telling You A red flag usually signals a warning. And a red ear can serve as your warning flag for a minor ear problem. Some of the most common causes of red, inflamed ears are skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, says C. Warren Bierman, M.D., clinical professor and pediatrics chief in the Division of Allergy at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle. The other big cause of redness is an ear infection. Scratching your ears with any kind of object—like a key or paper clip—can cause the infection, says Charles P. Kimmelman, M.D., professor of otolaryngology at Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital. And your earlobe can become infected after you've had your ears pierced. (It's also possible to have an allergic reaction to the metal in your earrings, which turns your earlobes red.) A boil-like infection near the ear canal can also be a source of swelling and redness, says Dr. Bierman. Extremes of heat and cold can paint your ears red. Ears are a prime target for sunburn. And after briefly debuting in white, a frostbitten ear turns bright red and can be painful, says Dr. Kimmelman. Finally, a sharp blow to the ear can make it turn red. (If it also swells, you can eventually get what's known as cauliflower ear.) Symptom Relief Keeping your ears out of the red and in the pink is easy if you follow these recommendations. Eliminate that infection. If you've scratched your ear and started an infection, dab the sore area with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol and then apply an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment like bacitracin, says Dr. Kimmelman. If the sore is larger than 1Ž4 inch in diameter or fails to improve, see your doctor for further treatment, he says. Screen yourself. You should wear sunscreen anytime you're out in the sun for more than a half-hour. And remember to put some on your ears. "The number one thing you can do to avoid sunburned ears is to use sunscreen that really blocks out the sun—SPF 30 or higher. Some people even use zinc oxide on their ears," says Dr. Bierman. Zinc oxide is a skin protectant that allows little or no sun to reach the skin. Keep 'em covered. Follow the same rules for your ears in the winter that you do in the summer. Protect them from exposure to the elements. Warm the bite out of frostbite. To help save your ear after frostbite, place a warm washcloth over your ear and see your doctor immediately, says Dr. Kimmelman. Warmth helps keep the tissues alive by increasing circulation, he says. Go for the gold. If you've experienced what looks like an allergic reaction to your pierced earrings—redness and swelling around the piercing holes—try switching to gold or silver posts. Most allergic reactions come from exposure to nickel or chromium posts. Get attention for injury. If you receive a sharp blow to the ear that causes redness and swelling, see your doctor for treatment. A cauliflower ear, left untreated, can become permanent.
  • Do you drive a car? Which ear is it? It is possible that, if it is your left ear, (Providing you are in the States) it is being exposed more to the direct rays of the sun while you are sitting in your car, causing severe sunburn? You did not mention how long this has been going on or whether it was painful. I hope my answer helps you.
  • I don't know if this is true because I have been looking for an answer for this question too, because one of my ears will turn bright red and get real hot... but through time I found it to be a feeling... it to me is a self consious feeling... for me when my right ear burns red, I have noticed its for positive anything.. maybe good news from friend family or lover.. but when my left ear burns red, usually means a moment of negative... either a close friend, family member, or lover is saying something negative or something negative is about to happen... pay attention to what goes on around you.. I have been online looking for the answer to this and the more I try to study it this is the solution why it happens... which doesn't mean its true... you just have to pay close attention to what is going on at that time..
  • Ive had hot ears pretty much every day since i was a child the only thing i can suggest is see what times this happens mine go red and hot when im very tired.As well as when i get nervouse or angry.
  • I've gotten hot red ears since as long as i can remember! I'm always asking people if they are red or to touch them to see if they don't just feel hot to me. To answer some other peoples comments... It's not sunburn or a sharp blow to the ear or an infection or frostbite or to do with my emotions I get them while eating dinner, reading, watching tv, sleeping...and as i type this my right ear is having an episode haha. Alot of things on the net about red ears say its a symptom of ADHD...but i know I dont have that. My only cure is to wet a flannel and put it against your ear (or ears) Yesss having them is annoying...but its nothing we cant deal with so everyone shoudl just chillout and embrace the heat (especially when its a cold day) Peace!
  • Could be your warm{hot} or embarrested
  • I have it to and it sometimes always goes red and it gets hot but once i put something cold on it for awhile it goes away then it sometimes will come back i dont know why?
  • Yeah, pretty much everyone has them. It most likely happens when you are laying down against that ear. I don't know exactly how it happens but to stop it just put something cold against your ear.
  • Hello This is something that happens to me a lot. In fact, I found this page because I have one hot ear as I'm writing and thought I might see what the net has. It started about 20 minutes ago. Today, I have done nothing, except some washing and a short trip to the shops, all of which was many hours ago. The last 4 hours I've been sitting, relaxed watching TV. I can find no common link that suggests a cause. For the last few months I have been paying attention to what's going on around me when either of my ears starts to get warm. It seems to be completely random. Once, a long time ago, when I had a girlfriend, I used to freak her out. Every time my left ear got hot, I'd ring her and asked what she wanted. She never could work out how I knew she wanted me for whatever reason. Unfortunatly, it couldn't be that easy. She is long gone (1999) and there has been no noticable change in my ears getting independantly hot. I guess she just thought of me alot. My doctor has no idea what causes it. Thanks for your time, whoever reads this. Derek
  • I just recently started getting this has happened with both ears...not just the right or left. It gets uncomfortably hot, then I look in a mirror or ask my husband and it is always bright red and the other ear is normal in color. This to me is very strange. People here have talked about sunscreen, etc, but sun does not have anything to do with this. It happens acutely and then goes away. I just thought someone may know what it could be a symptom of. I have other health issues...fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc...but I've had those for almost 10 yrs now....any ideas other than the ones above? Thanks! Mary Beth
  • I've had this condition for many years. I tried keeping a food diary to determine if there was a trigger there, but never found a certain correlation. It rarely happens early in the day. It often happens in the afternoon (at work)or early evening while I am standing or sitting (not caused by sleeping on that side). It happens in any season, and the episodes tend to last at least 1/2 an hour. I can melt ice or snow on my ears, or run water over my head and neck to get some relief but you can still see the redness in the outer edge of the ear. I don't think it is related to monosodium glutamate, or alcohol, or stress, or exercise or sun. It can happen five nights out of seven and then it might not happen for a week. I've never had my blood pressure checked during an event and discussion with my doctor hasn't given any clue. It is a bit concerning, because you figure it must have some internal cause. I do drink caffeinated coffee during the morning, but not after noon or evenings. I run 10-15 miles weekly and am 6 foot, 195 pound male of 50. I am certain I've had the condition since my 30's and maybe earlier. You'd think with as many people reporting this as I've searched on the web, some doctor would recognize this condition. What is it?
  • I have had hot red ears all my life and just on a whim I typed it in google and am so happy I found other people with this I have rheumatoid arthritis and also Osteo arthritis and fibromyalgia I am not sure if they are related to this problem but I find that if I get tired my ears get red and burn most people laugh at me but it is very uncomfortable. when I workd at the end of everyday my ears would burn and turn red I hope someone has an idea what it is My Doctor has no answer for it.
  • I have this problem as well. But not only my ears are effected. I also get red cheeks and my ears and cheeks are flaming hot. In my case it is caused by a food allergy to onions & carrots. Within minutes of eating anything that has even a hint of onion or carrot my ears and cheeks instantly get hot and flushed as well as a tummy ache. After about an hour it goes away. Perhaps everyone should keep record of what they had eaten before it's happened and emlinate that food?
  • Red ears can be indicative of various problems if you exclude the obvious....pressure placed on that ear or ears, sunburn, someone talking about you. If you think about it, more than likely there are other symptoms that could coincide with the red, hot ears. If arthritis, headaches occassionally, poor digestion, sleep problems (too much, tired all the time, can't get to sleep, etc.), and many more, there is a good possibility it is a bacterial infection. I have had these 'hot ears', so have my 6 children and husband. After a plethora of problems for years, we were finally ALL diagnosed with lyme disease! Food allergies, poor digestion, neck problems, back problems, etc. can ALL be just a part of lyme disease. Left untreated, the symptoms will continue to increase in number and intensity. Swollen lymph nodes can result as well due to a clogged lymphatic system. Lyme is extremely difficult to diagnose and the tests are mostly inaccurate. blessings s massie
  • Does anyone else have visual symptons at the same time or by themselves at other times. My son (7) has started getting red/hot ears recently and has now stated he sees wavie lines too that last for 15 - 30 minutes. There is a history of aura migraines in the family and I am now wondering if the two are related. It is believed that aura-type migraines are neuro-circulatory related and it might seem logical that red/hot ears may be also. Aura migraines are visual migraines only, in which a person will have the visul symptoms of a migraine lasting about 30 minutes but no headache afterwards.
  • RED HOT EARS me to try what I did stoped eating peanut butter, onions and carrots.Must be one of them because I have not had RED HOT EARS since I stop eating them. God be with you.
  • Oh my-I thought I was alone... I have fibromyalgia... this happens to me when I get really angry, frustrated, excited or if I am really tired... Now, I noticed tonight that they got really red and burning hot while I was watching the Ranger game that went into overtime... we totally needed to win this game to move up the rankings to 5th... (Yes, we WON)... but I was really excited.. yelling at the TV, etc... yeah, I am a bit of a nut... But, I also noticed that I ate chicken pot pie for dinner, which had onions and carrots in it, so maybe food allergy? Maybe it's all coincidental? Oh well... Rangers won and I am happy... hopefully the ears calm down soon cause I want to go to sleep... BE WELL Amber
  • When my ears were getting all hott and res like that for about a month I found out I was pregnant!
  • My son and grandson both have occasions when they have "hot ears" so badly that they have to put ice on their ears. When they first told me of this I had never heard of it before so I did a little research and found several possible causes of "hot ears", these include: lyme disease; food allegrys usually dairy products such as milk; fibromyalgia; high blood pressure; and one last one that is way out there- Old timers used to say that some people have an extra sensory ability ie. when their ears burn it is an indication that they will receive news or hear from someone on an important matter. Hince the old saying, someone must be talking about me my ears are burning.
  • My dad and I both get bright red ears that feel hot. I noticed it most recently when I was at the doctor and was in the waiting room. I was extremely anxious and nervous. When I finally got called back, my blood pressure was extremely high. After I spoke with the doctor and she calmed some of my fears about an unrelated issue, i noticed my ear was back to normal. She checked my blood pressure again and it was also back to normal. A few days later I went off my blood pressure medication and my red hot ear had returned! So I believe it is, in some cases, due to high blood pressure.
  • I don't know if what I have is the same as the above answers to this question. But I only occasionally notice one of my ears becoming red during the day and it feels hot to the touch. While the other one stays cool. I haven't experienced it lately but I also have noticed in the past,I will wake up in bed with either my left ear red and inflamed or it will be my right ear and usually I will have been either just laying on my red inflamed ear or right ear. I also have noticed that when I raise my head up the irritated ear is burning and uncomfortable! I still wonder if this is in any way related to blood pressure! Thanks so much for posting this! Maybe some day we will all get satisfactory answers!
  • Like so many others (to my surprise), I'm typing this as my ears are red hot and I chanced upon this page as I was googling for causes. I have no clue why it happens either, but I'm wondering if it's a blood pressure issue. This shouldn't happen to a hypochondriac!
  • I really dont know the answer to this question but I've been lookin for it and nothing yet. I've the same problem with my ears once in a while out of nowhere it just gets freaking red and hot is ither the left one or the right one and right now is the right one and Im not in the sun or hot or anything like that,I dont have any blood preasure problems or anything like that. Im as healthy as I can be, the only thing is that I'm left handed, thats all
  • I don't know if anyone else reading these posts is reading just because they're interesting or because they're looking for a cause, but this is fascinating. I'm not the type to get red, hot ears ever, not even when I'm angry. The only time that happens is when I purposefully try to focus on them without looking in a mirror. I know that sounds weird, but when I think about my ears, they start to heat up, and if I focus on the heat on them, they just get hotter and eventually turn red even when I don't touch them. So, I was wondering how many other people can make their ears hot in a similar way and, if you can, do you notice any other physical, emotional, psychological or behavioral differences after you do?
  • This has been happening to me for years. I have heard it was a high blood pressure thing, but not sure. After reading the other answers I noticed a lot of people suffering from this annoying condition have fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a couple years ago, not sure if this is related. My ears get red and hot randomly and either one or both at the same time. I wish I knew what caused it!
  • Allergies make that happen to me.
  • I had the same problem it turned out to be A cheese allergy
  • You could go to a doctor. Just saying tht at least doctors know what there talking about. Sence theres a chance that someone may not have the right answer...
  • I have the same problem & I kept track of what I did & ate during the day. it took A while but I found it only happened 30 to 45min after I eat cheese so I stopped eating cheese for A week & my ears were fine then A couple of nights ago I ate A mall peice of cheese & my ears got red &hot again.
  • Hi I was so pleased to discover that I was not a freak after all! Every now and again either one or both of my ears get hot and deep red, almost purple. As I have large ears and short hair I find it really embarrasing. The only thing I have found that works is to use cooling mist. It comes in an aerosol can and you can purchase it from any chemist. It's usually kept with the holiday stuff. It is also a handy size for putting in my handbag for when I'm out and I can guarantee my ears will start glowing if I'm out for a meal!
  • You have to touch your ear to a reindeer nose before Christmas or all is lost.
  • blood is rushing to your ear. mine did that when i got the top of my ear pierced, had to take it out when the piercing got infected.
  • Hi there, I too have the same problem with usually my left ear getting red and hot.I have had this since I was a teenager. My Dr. said that it is anxiety induced, even if you dont feel that you are, there is something churning inside you that sends your blood pressure and vessels a message to relax your innerself. Don't be worried and don't get worked up either or it will only worsen. Thanks, Moe
  • My eight year old has had this condition since he was 3 yrs old but only recently has it started to bother him. The burning was absolutely unbearable. His pediatrician, although familliar with the condition, admits there is no definitive answer as to why it happens. Her suggestion was to elliminate food coloring from his diet. Easier said than done, but with conciderable effort, my son went 7 days with no artificial food colors and the symptoms were greatly improved. Now when his ears do turn red they are not nearly as hot. If you are a sufferer of red ear syndrome start reading labels and you will be surprised by how much artificial coloring is added to many types of food. It's worth a shot anyway.
  • Just out of interest how do you know that you don't have ADHD. I only ask as I have been researching this for the last hour or so for my daughter, who is not diagnosed with ADHD albeit my son and I both are, however she is diagnosed with Central Processing Disorder. Dress it up any which way you will, the criteria for adhd is not dissimilar.
  • my ear is are red even after the wet flannel!
  • Somebody "clipped" you on the ear? Weren't LISTENING were you? Pay more attention!!
  • It could actually be gout !
  • It is an old superstition across various cultures that when the left ear burns, someone is talking negatively of you. When it's the right ear, someone is remembering you or thinking of you. I get these a lot. Don't know how true this superstition is, but these red ears are certainly not any condition that is medically diagnosed.
  • This is a sign that the ear in question has been possessed by a demon or evil spirit. You should not listen from that ear. Rather than do a "Van Gogh" and remove it, you should put a plug in it (cigarette butt works) and only listen through the other ear until you can "fix" the other ear. It might fix itself or you might need an exorcism. :-D
  • I have always wondered why this happened to me as well. It happened most when I was a teenager and so severely that my ears would blister and scab at random without spending time in the sun. I worked indoors and I had about a 30 second walk to work, so it wasn't because of the sun. It sometimes happened if I was embarrassed and then other times at random, but as I could feel it happening I would become embarrassed. Anyway, I don't know the reason, but it rarely happens now and is very minor. I found it interesting that my family has a history of fibromyalgia, particularly my father and grandmother, who also have a series of other health problems. When I was younger I did not have any health problems, but I have since become very ill in many instances with mononucleosis and possibly chronic fatigue. I have found countless similarities between such health issues and ms and fibromyalgia. It would just be interesting to find out the actual cause of these things.
  • Nothing, Rudolph could use a stand in this Christmas.
  • I have been experiencing this phenomena with both ears simultaneously for several weeks now. It's been unsettling for me and those around me who wonder if I'm okay. I've noticed that it primarily happens when I'm anxious or apprehensive about something or otherwise experiencing a certain amount of stress. Although my anxiety, etc is no greater now than in the past, this seems to be a new reaction to these feelings.
  • Some bee may have stung you and now it's infected or swelling so it turns red and feels hot. Put ice on it so the swelling will go down and then it won't hurt.

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