• Yes. You stand up in front of the mirror and look straight into your eyes and tell the person to stand and take it on the chin. So what, we all commit blunders. Learn from them and that is all. If your peers sneer, find others. Your friends shall help you. Your enemies shall hurt. Find friends and throw away enemies. You are a big girl. Sneers and taunts are for stupids and ignorants. Let them bark like dogs. Let the Caravan move. It has a destination to reach. You are growing up to be an adult. Look forward and leave petty prejudices behind. 'Spread your wings and take to sky' girl, spread your wings. Do not dwell in the past. It is gone, never to return. Good luck.
  • I don't know many teen girls that haven't been "strickin with emotional issues" (myself included...i'm going through hell right now." You shouldn't be scared around these ex-friends. How did they become your ex friends? That way I could give you better advice. If possible, stay clear of them, ignore them, if these friends were mean to you and hurt you I understand why you would be nervous/scared...but they aren't worth your time or attention. Don't be intimidated by them...if you show it they will see how they get to you.

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