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  • Find some sort of outfit he really likes on a girl... or larger girls a nice corset style thing, which would accentuate the breasts by pushing them up, and a pair of thigh high stocking or something.
  • Wake him up with oral. He'll be thinking of you all day.
  • Sprawl out naked on his bed...
  • Girl I am in the same boat as you but let me see what I did is ask what do you like hunny. Well some men wont come straight out and tell us try new things. Men love new stuff in the room get some sexy nighty nights explore things you and your man has never done before. It has nothing to do with your weight I tried alot of things I started wearing my hair different wearing sexy little clothing around the house. I mean you can be a freak for your man you know and belive me he will love it they may not say it but they do. They have stuff for us thick women show you stuff girl tthat should get his attention.
  • give him lots of head

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