Another car.
When the economy recovers? Ha! I plan to wait until the retail people are on the verge of starvation and then buy a new plasma TV with home theatre attachments, a brand new pick-up truck and a travel trailer. : P
Books. Can't wait until I have free cash for reading materials.
Items to fix up my house.
plasma tv(wall mounted),surround sound,new mattress,new games 4 xbox360,and something nice for my gf.
A Dyson vacuum cleaner.
Nothing. The current economy has not had much of an impact on our lives in the least bit. We have not used credit cards in over 25 years and have always lived a little on the frugal side anyway.:) However we may watch a little more TV, seems like the only thing on lately is bad news.:)
Two things, in no particular order. 1.) Japanese name origin book 2.) Russian name origin book. For sure ! Its on baby!
I'll travel more often!
home remodeling roof, new porch...etc
Our spending hasn't changed negatively. We are actually able to buy more things now that companies have had more sales.
When or IF it recovers?
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