• Yes, signal will still come from it. Don't worry. It won't kill you.
  • Why are you worried about only your router? Your computer and monitor are generating scads of low-power Radio Frequency (RF) Energy as you read these words. I have a short-wave receiver (just lower bands), and it picks up lots of "birdies" that are the result of all the high-frequency switching that these items do while they perform their many functions. There are radiation standards; according to the "state of the art," RF energy power levels are either shielded from irradiating you (such as the special glass over the Monitor screen), or are limited in power output to what is considered "safe." For your Monitor, you might want to get an LCD screen. Practically no radiation at all!
  • There will be some radiation coming from it. You can unscrew the antenna (if it is external) and you can encase it in a Faraday cage to block all EMR coming from it.

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