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Decorate your life
The gift of my love :)
He was an avid bike rider, so I got him some biking shoes. The kind that attach to the pedals of your bike. He was stationed in Hawaii, and it was his birthday shortly after we met. He rode his bike all over Hawaii, lots of hills.
i went dutch i gave him pink roses and chocolate... he loved it.. lol
a chocolate duck
i gave him a rose quartz heart in his hand in memory of his best friend, his cat pumpkin. it has a smooth polished surface and i see him rub it every now and then. healers use them to open up the heart chakra, making one more receptive to love. its supposed to soothe negative emotions and helps mend broken hearts.
A card, a book, a book thong, and pictures of me and my son.
A card and some Mackinac Island Fudge Our second date was his birthday.
a kiss.. :P
I immediately re dressed him and bought him a new wardrobe... but I have to admit that was more for me than it was him.
A fresh pair of Nike's. She never wears them.... : [
My ex wife, it was a matchbox car (long story). Current g/f it was flowers and a big box of those reusable plastic containers. (she was having family over for Thanksgiving). My first time meeting the crew. Not romantic, but practical. She made out well at Christmas:)
A rose.
Movie ticket.
A pill bug.
A beta fish. :)
I threw a penny banger (firework) in her general direction and she picked it up and threw it back at me - that's how we met. romantic, or what?
a healthy lifestyle
My heart and probably handmade cards, a shirt I sewed for him, food, love letters galore:-)
A gold pendant from Israel.
Believe it or not...a Son.....
Hard to say… I was going to charge her $5.00 for some illegal, bootlegged (cassette) copies of some CDs, but then I fell in love with her and accepted a long-distance phone call instead of the $5.00. Is that a gift? If not, I gave her a mix tape. (Also illegal, though I never even considered that, at the time.) :-P Of course, it’s all good now. I repented and she married me, so even if we had need to listen to the tapes again, it’s all legal now. ;-)
The guitar I just bought him.
My heart which she ripped up and dropped in peices
We were actually married for 18 years. Divorced and lived apart for approximately 2 years but have since gotten back together and lived together as a couple for the last 4 years, though not re-married, and could not be happier.
I think it was a mix CD I made for her. I spent weeks agonizing over the songs, the order, and desigining the cover and disc. I think she really liked it. :)
My trust:)
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