• Any man who can quote Pindar... Is alright by me! I think that although slighty dellusional to his own processes, he was an absolute A-typical disturbed genius. My very favorite kind! Have you ever watched the movie about Him and freud? It is brilliant if you are a fan, rent it!
  • Not nearly as much as he is credited with. His most famous quote, "Go is dead." Is often misused in its application... Really, if you look at his writings, you can't help but realize that he was a very smart, very sarcastic thinker - and his sarcasm has been taken far too seriously. Aside from that, his only job was to think. All he did was go places and write, so one would hope that he could come up with SOMETHING smart.
  • Among Continental philosophers, particularly those with a postmodern bent, Nietzsche could be regarded as their patron saint. Many such philosophers have lived off of Nietzsche's legacy, furthering his project through consideration of what he termed mere "foreground estimates." Nietzsche is a point of entry into postmodernity, calling for "better players" to elaborate upon his often times fragmentary and incomplete conceptions of a philosophy of the future. Michel Foucault owes his theory of history to Nietzsche's understanding of genealogy. Gilles Deleuze, often regarded as a "Leftist Nietzschean," employs several of his concepts (i.e. eternal return, will to power, active/reactive forces, etc.) in his elaboration of a philosophy of difference. Jacques Derrida, perhaps less explicitly, though consciously, examines a variety of phenomena using Nietzschean techniques of style and expression to shift the coordinates of meaning of a particular argument yielding new and original ones., thus upsetting the stable relation between professed fixed structural relationships. Derrida's exploration of multiple perspectives, as exampled by Nietzsche's use of aphorisms, is a textual technique meant to destabilize meaning, placing emphasis less on critique or categorization and more on the exploration of other possibilities and perspectives. Similarly, others such as Julia Kristeva, Jean-Francois Lyotard, and Jean-Luc Nancy considered Nietzsche's contribution to philosophy to have been profound and useful in regard to their own philosophical outputs.
  • The class I took that covered Nietzsche was the class I did worse in than any other ever. Sadly I chose to cover s.t. about him for my final: I held the theory that he did not seem to mean to be taken the way that he was taken, but obviously the instructor did not agree with me. His critical theory suggests that in order to get people to figure out how to support something, one should suggest the opposite. SO, if you're asking this question for a class, I suggest you simply spew back to the teacher exactly what they want to hear. But keep in mind Nietzsche went totally nuts in his later years.

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